San Miguel County, CO, Land Use Code

Updated May 2016

By: San Miguel County
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Solar Energy

The county's Land Use Code addresses solar energy in several contexts. In the Forestry, Agriculture and Open Zone District, single-family dwellings of more than 12,000 SF are held to review standards that include compliance with energy code and green building standards, as well as provisions to provide renewable energy sources including active and passive solar elements (§5.307.L.III). In the Wright's Mesa district, review standards include building siting guidelines of locating buildings to maximize solar access (§5-319.K.XIII). Utility renewable energy facilities are special uses in the district's agricultural and light industrial subdistricts, while accessory solar energy systems are permitted accessory uses in all subdistricts (Table 5-319-3). The code provides development standards for renewable energy facilities, addressing maximum height, minimum lot area, noise, setbacks, and review procedures (§5.319.H.III.g). In the High Country Area district, electric distribution and service lines are prohibited except in certain circumstances, including installation of an alternative energy system such as solar PV tied to the grid with a net-metering agreement in place; the code warns that property owners should be aware that properties in this district might be limited to off-grid alternative energy sources (§5.321.E.III). For PUDs, the county may require changes to architectural plans to promote advantageous solar orientation and energy conserving design (§5.1405.C.III).

San Miguel, CO

2010 Population: 7,359

2010 Population Density: 5.72/square mile