Pinellas County, FL, Comprehensive Plan

Adopted 2010

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Group Housing

Solar Energy

Group Housing

The county comprehensive plan's housing element contains an inventory of existing group homes In accordance with Florida law (Appendix C) as well as objectives and policies that support the placement of group homes in residential areas without creating an overconcentration in any one area (Objective 1.9; Policies 1.9.1, 1.9.2).

Solar Energy

The Natural Resource Management and Conservation Element of the county's Comprehensive Plan discusses the county's solar power resource and suggests that solar power use could have a significant impact on the need to conserve energy and protect natural resources within the county (p. 2-79). The county sets a goal of environmental sustainability in everyday practice (Goal 7) and includes an objective of exemplifying sustainable practices (Objective 7.1) with a policy of including nontraditional sustainable energy options where feasible in its operations and buildings (Policy 7.1.7). A related objective of planning for climate change (Objective 7.2) includes a policy of identifying opportunities and funding for local implementation of renewable energy options (Policy 7.2.4).

Pinellas, FL

2010 Population: 916,542

2010 Population Density: 3,347.50/square mile