Bloomington, MN, Code of Ordinances

Updated December 2019

By: City of Bloomington Plng Comm
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Table of Contents


Accessory Dwelling Units

The city’s zoning code permits internal and attached accessory dwelling units (ADUs) by right in multiple residential districts, subject to use-specific standards (§21.302.03). These standards address lot size per unit, parking, location, units per lot, convertibility, home businesses, unit size, utilities, subdivision and ownership, bedrooms, maximum unit occupancy, rental licensing, appearance, conformance with single-family dwelling standards, building code compliance, site plan requirements, and approval process.

Active Transportation

The city’s zoning code prioritizes network connectivity for sidewalks for the public benefit (§21.301.04). The code lists where sidewalk installation is required or may be waived. Where sidewalks are not required, the developer must provide sidewalk easement for future sidewalk construction if needed.

Affordable Housing Programs

The city’s codified ordinances outline a comprehensive affordable housing program in Chapter 9. Article II describes several different methods that developers can use to meet the affordable housing requirement and Article III discusses other tools and incentives, like density bonuses, parking reductions, and fee reimbursement. Article VIII establishes an affordable housing trust fund and lists the activities that it can be used for. Article XI outlines affordable housing tenant protections, including relocation assistance.

Creative Placemaking

The city’s administrative code establishes a creative placemaking commission to support the city's goal of building character and quality of place (§2.82.01 et seq.). It outlines the duties and responsibilities, including promoting placemaking activities, adopting criteria for making creative placemaking decisions, creating partnerships with other organizations, and reviewing placemaking proposals. Additionally, it describes membership composition, which includes arts experts and city residents. This commission created "A Plan for Creative Placemaking in the South Loop", a functional plan that focuses on arts and culture.

Green Building

The city’s code of ordinances describes a “sustainable design bonus” which allocates floor area ratio (FAR) density bonuses to buildings that prescribe to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification system. This density bonus is associated with LEED certification level (Silver, Gold, or Platinum) and caps FAR bonuses at 1.0 (§19.29.g.4.F). 

Housing Supply Planning

The city's code of ordinances encourage increasing housing supply and affordable options for all with a comprehensive affordable housing program in Chapter 9. Article II describes several methods that developers can use to meet the affordable housing requirement and Article III discusses other tools and incentives, like density bonuses, parking reductions, and fee reimbursement. The code also permits accessory dwelling units as another housing option for residents. 

Bloomington, MN

2010 Population: 82,893

2010 Population Density: 2,390.09/square mile