Loudoun County, VA, Revised General Plan
Updated September 2018
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Age-Friendly Communities
The county’s comprehensive plan includes a section addressing Adult/Retirement Housing (§2.C). Among its policy recommendations are updates to zoning codes for accessory dwelling units and senior overlay districts, as well in-home care and other aging in place programs.
Outdoor Lighting
The county’s comprehensive plan addresses outdoor lighting. The plan’s Green Infrastructure chapter addresses three “complementary elements” of air quality, lighting and the night sky, and the aural environment. It establishes Lighting and the Night Sky Policies of adopting a lighting ordinance that will promote the use of lighting without light pollution nuisances, prevent glare, conserve energy, and prohibit light trespass.
Loudoun, VA
2010 Population: 312,311
2010 Population Density: 605.77/square mile