Omaha, NE, Code of Ordinances

Updated February 2020

By: City of Omaha Planning Dept
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Green Stormwater Infrastructure

The city’s code of ordinances requires all development to include low-impact development (LID) tactics and best management practices (BMPs) in their post-construction stormwater management plan. It also requires significant redevelopment projects to use BMPs and references provisions outlined in the Omaha Regional Stormwater Design Manual (§32-122). It exempts single unit developments, not connected to larger projects, from producing a post-construction stormwater management plan (§32-123).

Group Housing

The city's zoning code defines and regulates several types of group living residential uses. "Small group living (disabled)" and "small group living (nondisabled)" are dwelling units housing up to 8 residents, disabled in the case of the former term, and not qualifying as disabled in the case of the latter term; "large group living" is a dwelling unit housing 8 or more residents (§55-43.f, k). 

Small group living (disabled) is permitted by right in all residential districts. Small group living (nondisabled) and large group living are special permit uses in single-family residential districts; small group living (nondisabled) is permitted by right in higher-density multiple-family residential districts, and large group living is a conditional use in those districts (Article VI). In office and commercial districts, small group living is a conditional use along with other residential uses, while large group living requires a special permit (Articles VII, VIII).

The code provides supplemental use standards for group living (§55-763.c, d). Small group living uses are subject to a 600-foot separation requirement; the code lists information that must be provided for a conditional or special use permit for a small group living use. Large group living uses are subject to a 1,200-foot separation requirement as well as occupancy limitations based on the district and whether the dwelling unit is owner-occupied or not; the code lists information that must be provided for a conditional or special permit for a large group living use.

Parking standards require 1 space per 2 residents for large and small group living uses (Table 55-734).

The code notes that requests for reasonable accommodation may be made concurrently with applications for conditional use or special use permits (§55-883, §55-884).

Omaha, NE

2010 Population: 408,958

2010 Population Density: 3,217.91/square mile