Austin, TX, Community Trees Division


By: City of Austin
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Tree Preservation and the Urban Forest 

The webpage for the city’s Community Trees division features multiple programs intended to benefit the urban forest. They provide grants for projects that show a clear benefit to the urban forest, and their Neighborwoods program gives residents free, young (3-5 ft) trees (and free delivery) when they attend “Tree Giveaway” events. Their Community Tree Program is intended to reduce the urban heat island effect and increase tree diversity in low canopy neighborhoods by distributing 8-10 different types of trees to residents with assistance available to ensure optimal planting locations. The site features pages that provide resources and information regarding the city’s oak tree wilt problems and heat island mitigation. Resources and information for a comprehensive range of issues can be found at the page of their Tree Information Center, which includes their Invasive Species Management Plan, and their Wildfire Protection Plan.

Austin, TX

2010 Population: 790,390

2010 Population Density: 2,653.24/square mile