Horry County, SC, Code of Ordinances

Updated January 2019

By: Horry County Planning

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Agritourism | Food Systems

The county’s zoning code addresses agritourism. Agritourism, including “agritourism activities” with attendance of up to 499 people, is permitted on registered working farms with an agritourism permit (§1304.1). The code establishes general conditions for agritourism activities and describes permit application, review, and approval procedures. A matrix lists a wide range of agriculture-related activities and indicates the classes of farm (from Class A, “home operation < 3 acres,” to Class G, “large > 80 acres”) for which each is allowed.

Tiny Houses and Micro-Apartments

The county's zoning code permits tiny homes on foundations in one mixed residential district (Appendix B §752). It defines "tiny home" as a detached single-family dwelling of less than 750 ft2 (Appendix B §463.5). District development standards address maximum height and minimum lot size for tiny homes. 

Horry, SC

2010 Population: 269,291

2010 Population Density: 237.49/square mile