Larimer County, CO, Land Use Code


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Food Systems

Transfer of Development Rights

Agritourism | Food Systems

The county’s land use code addresses agritourism. A number of agritourism-related uses are defined and addressed as permitted accessory agricultural uses (§4.3.10.A). These include farm stands, value-added agricultural processing and sales, agritourism enterprises.

The code provides detailed standards for value-added agricultural processing and sales as well as agritourism enterprises, and indicates thresholds for whether the use is permitted by right or requires minor special review or special review. Standards address setbacks, hours of operation, nuisances, and compatibility. The code also defines “agritourism enterprise” (§0.1.1).

Transfer of Development rights

Larimer, CO

2010 Population: 299,630

2010 Population Density: 115.42/square mile