Genesee/Finger Lakes, NY, Regional Viewshed Inventory and Analysis
By: Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council
Report a broken linkScenic View Protection
This report provides an inventory of scenic resources in the Genesee/Finger Lakes region, as well as strategies to protect and preserve scenic views. It outlines a methodology to assess important views, including a review of different methods such as a windshield survey and tools used in determining viewshed boundaries. It includes pictures, maps, and descriptions of scenic resources by county. Chapter 4 outlines strategies to protect viewsheds, including regulatory means like using an overlay district and site plan review, as well as nonregulatory means, including scenic byway designation and transfer of development rights.
Genesee, NY
2010 Population: 60,079
2010 Population Density: 121.88/square mile