Community Wildfire Protection Planning: Is the Healthy Forests Restoration Act's Vagueness Genius?
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 20(3): 350-363, 2010
By: CSIRO Publishing
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This article presents the data analyzed from 13 case-study communities to explain how the characteristics of HFRA have encouraged communities to develop CWPPs which demonstrate their local, social and ecological contexts effectively. It discusses how the shortcomings in the HFRA provided communities the opportunity to progress and successfully build CWPPs based on their needs and conditions.
Ashland, OR
2010 Population: 20,078
2010 Population Density: 3,047.20/square mile
Auburn Lake Trails, CA
2010 Population: 3,426
2010 Population Density: 269.19/square mile
Barnes, WI
2010 Population: 769
2010 Population Density: 6.53/square mile
Grizzly Flats, CA
2010 Population: 1,066
2010 Population Density: 160.81/square mile
Josephine, OR
2010 Population: 82,713
2010 Population Density: 50.44/square mile
Lake, MN
2010 Population: 10,866
2010 Population Density: 5.15/square mile
Lake, CO
2010 Population: 7,310
2010 Population Density: 19.39/square mile
Lincoln, MT
2010 Population: 19,687
2010 Population Density: 5.45/square mile
Taylor, FL
2010 Population: 22,570
2010 Population Density: 21.63/square mile