Carson, NV, Municipal Code
By: City of Carson, Nevada
Report a broken linkWildland-Urban Interface
The city’s codified ordinances include multiple provisions that address wildfire mitigation in wildland-urban interface areas.
The city’s subdivision code authorizes the establishment of Landscape Maintenance Districts for subdivisions without owner associations. These provisions require applicants to provide defensible (§17.18.080). Property owners are then responsible for 70 percent of the county’s maintenance costs.
The city’s development standards include defensible space and fire protection standards for hillside development. Owners must maintain a 30 foot defensible space setback (Appendix 18 §7.10). Property developers must comply with lot size and placement, easement, fire safety techniques, signage, water supply proximity, roofing material, and fire department requirements (Appendix 18 §7.6).
Carson, NV
2010 Population: 55,274
2010 Population Density: 382.09/square mile