Principles of Neighborhood Planning for Community Development

October 2003

By: , Neighborhood Progress Inc
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Neighborhood Planning

This report defines neighborhood planning and presents 14 guiding principles for community development corporations engaged in neighborhood planning efforts:

1. Deliberate preparation

2. Plan must identify and build on neighborhood assets

3. Resident involvement is essential.

4. Neighborhood planning should be an inclusive process for the agreed upon area.

5. Neighborhood planning should build the capacity of the neighborhood for community development.

6. All participants should have defined and appropriate roles.

7. Transparency in the planning process.

8. Democratic decision-making is a hallmark of neighborhood planning.

9. The process must generate a vision.

10. Data must be collected to inform the planning process.

11. There needs to be a clear relationship to existing activities and plans.

12. The plan must recognize market dynamics.

13. Neighborhood residents and other stakeholders must be included in the development and approval of the plan.

14. The plan must include a feasible plan to implement its recommendations. 


It includes a summary of local neighborhood planning examples.