Coconino County, AZ, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted December 2015
By: Coconino County
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Outdoor Lighting
In the county’s comprehensive plan, the Community Character element addresses dark skies. The plan notes that dark skies are an important aspect of Coconino County's community character and vital to the continued use of nearby astronomy facilities, and that the county has taken a leadership role in developing outdoor lighting codes. The plan establishes a goal of continuing to be a world leader in the preservation of dark skies. Policies include implementing innovative lighting practices and technologies, applying ordinances, and promoting best practices (33); retrofitting nonconforming lighting and removing inappropriate lighting (34); installing minimally necessary lighting levels (35); full shielding of all outdoor lighting and use of low-pressure sodium or amber LED fixtures (36); expanding dark sky protection zones (37); and working regionally with area partners to protect dark skies (39, 40).
Wind Energy
The county’s comprehensive inventories wind resources, assesses the compatibility of wind energy systems with existing land uses, and defines policies for distributed- and utility-scale wind energy. The county allows distributed wind energy systems with a permit, subject to use-specific standards. It supports distributed wind and solar energy systems as a means to increase level of service in rural areas and to meet county sustainability objectives (p.173). It maps energy transmission infrastructure and wind potential at 50 meters (p.179)
It defines five policies to support the goal of encouraging distributed generation (p.176). It outlines policies for siting utility-scale energy projects to mitigate their impacts (p.176-177).
It expands the energy element in Appendix D, with additional policies and information (P.228 - 236).
Coconino, AZ
2010 Population: 134,421
2010 Population Density: 7.22/square mile