Homer Glen, IL, Ordinance No. 15-018: Amending "Outdoor Lighting in the Village of Homer Glen"

April 8, 2015

By: Village of Homer Glen, IL

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Outdoor Lighting

The village in 2015 updated its 2007 dark-sky ordinance praised by the International Dark-Sky Association and additional dark-sky advocacy organizations.

The ordinance applies to all zoning lots in the village, and establishes residential, commercial, public, and industrial district lighting zones. It establishes criteria requiring compliance for existing nonconforming lighting fixtures, and addresses enforcement.  Illumination standards cover gross emission of light, light intensity and uniformity, light direction and control, light trespass, and hours of operation. Full cut-off luminaires are required with height limits. The ordinance lists prohibited and exempted lighting types. It describes procedural requirements for required lighting plans and variances. It provides an extensive list of definitions. The original 2007 ordinance can be viewed here.

Homer Glen, IL

2010 Population: 24,220

2010 Population Density: 1,092.32/square mile