Texas Regulation of Food Service Establishments, Retail Food Stores, Mobile Food Units, and Roadside Food Vendors Statutes
Health and Safety Code §437, Amended September 2017
By: State of Texas
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These statutes preempt certain local regulations for home-based commercial food production and sales. Individual sections
- define “cottage food production operation” (§437.001(2-b));
- exempt these operations from certain state requirements (§437.0191);
- preempt local regulation of cottage food production (§437.0192);
- establish packaging and labeling requirements for cottage food production operations (§437.0193);
- prohibit these operations from selling online, by mail order, or at wholesale (§437.0194);
- establish food safety education and training requirements for operators (§437.0195); and
- prohibit these operations from selling potentially hazardous foods (§437.0196).