Botetourt County, VA, Code of Ordinances

Updated June 2018

By: County of Botetourt
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Home Occupations

The county’s zoning code distinguishes between three types of home occupations (§25.601).

The code permits low-intensity “home occupations” by right, subject to use-specific standards (§25.435.1). It allows high-intensity “home businesses” and “rural home businesses” with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards (§§25.435.2 & 25.435.3).

Low-intensity “home occupations” must comply with employee, location and space, dwelling modification, sales, customer/client visitation, traffic, delivery, nuisance, utility, waste, commercial vehicle, and parking standards (§25.435.1).

High-intensity “home businesses” must comply with the above standards for “home occupations.” However, it allows two non-resident employees and modifies parking standards (§25.435.2.b).

Additional location and space standards apply to high-intensity “rural home businesses” (§§25.435.3.a–d). More permissive non-resident employee standards apply and vary by lot size (§§25.435.3.c–d). It permits heavy equipment (§25.435.3.j).

Botetourt, VA

2010 Population: 33,148

2010 Population Density: 61.25/square mile