Highland Park, IL, City Code

Updated October 3, 2018


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Inclusionary Housing

The city addresses inclusionary housing in its zoning code through a 2009 ordinance amended in 2015 (§150.2100 et seq.). The ordinance begins with a policy statement.

The code establishes an affordability requirement of 20 percent for projects with 5 or more units. Units must be provided on site, though a cash in-lieu payment option is available if the project is 19 units or less.

Development applications must include an inclusionary housing plan, and a development agreement is required prior to building permit issuance. Development fees and impact fees are waived for affordable units. A density bonus is provided equal to one market rate unit per affordable unit, but is not available for cash in-lieu payment; additional bonus density may be requested through the planned unit development process. Standards address affordable unit location, construction phasing, exterior appearance, and unit amenities; affordable units may differ from market rate units in interior finish and size.

Compliance alternatives include a cash in-lieu payment to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The code sets target income levels for affordable for-sale and rental units and describes eligibility requirements; priority is given to households who live or work in the city. For-sale units must be affordable in perpetuity, rental units for 25 years. The code details affordability controls for for-sale and rental affordable units.

The city’s Housing website provides additional information and documentation for the city’s inclusionary housing program.

Highland Park, IL

2010 Population: 29,763

2010 Population Density: 2,439.79/square mile