Forecasting Wind Energy Costs & Cost Drivers: The Views of the World’s Leading Experts

LBNL-1005717, June 2016

By: International Energy Agency
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Wind Energy

This report presents the results of a survey of wind energy experts with predictions for future trends in pricing, development, and scale. It predicts increases in capacity factors and reductions in the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) by 2030 for onshore, fixed-bottom offshore, and floating offshore wind energy conversion systems (WECs) (Figure ES-1). The survey asked respondents to estimate the physical characteristics of wind turbines in 2030, including turbine capacity, hub height, and rotor diameter (Table A-15). Experts believe increased scale of developments will produce the greatest cost reductions by 2030. Less find a “large expected impact” to reducing LCOE by 2030 from “reduced total development costs and risks from greater transparency and certainty around siting and permitting approval timelines and procedures” (Table A-17).