Maine State Planning Office Model Wind Energy Facility Ordinance
January 2016
By: Maine State Planning Office
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This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in Maine develop wind energy regulations. The model defines four wind energy facility classes demarcated by nameplate capacity, siting, administrative oversight, and number of facilities.
Wind Energy Facility types 1B, 2, and 3 are allowed with a discretionary use permit, subject to use specific standards. It permits type 1A facilities by right, subject to use-specific standards (. Type 1A and 1B facilities are those with a rated capacity less than 100 kW. 1A facilities may not exceed 80 feet in height, nor have more than one turbine per site. Type 2 facilities may exceed 100 kW in capacity, are not subject to height requirements, and do not require a state permit. Type 3 facilities require a state permit, but otherwise adhere to the same standards as Type 2 facilities. It defines these (§4.0) and provides tables summarizing the classification system (§8.0 Table 1) and permitting application and decision timelines (§9.4.2 Table 2).
The model does not permit building mounted WECs. General use-specific standards address setbacks, natural resources, building permits, safety mechanisms, interconnection, access, blade clearance, signal interference, structure type, erosion control, appearance and visibility (§12.0). It provides additional standards for type 1A and 1B wind energy facilities (§13.0) and Type 2 and 3 facilities (§14.0).