DWEA Model Zoning Ordinance: Permitted Use Regulation for Small Wind Turbines


By: Distributed Wind Energy Association

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Wind Energy

This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties develop supportive regulations for local-serving small-scale wind energy systems. Supporting information and discussion of ordinance components available here. It suggests that regulations for large-scale systems are often inappropriate for small-scale systems, which typically produce fewer negative externalities (DWEA Small Wind Model Zoning Ordinance Companion Document, p.1).


As such, it permits small wind energy systems by right subject to use-specific standards, in all districts “where structures of any sort are allowed” (§4). It does not set maximum height standards, requires all systems be at least 60 feet tall, and allows all turbines to be “tall enough to facilitate proper function” (§4.1). It permits building-mounted systems. It defines small systems as those with a rated capacity of 100 kW of less (§3.1). Standards include setback, access, sign, sound, turbine type, compliance with other applicable codes, utility notification, antenna, fee, and decommissioning (§4).