St. Lawrence County, NY, Model Wind Energy Facility Local Law


By: St. Lawrence County
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Wind Energy

This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in St. Lawrence County, NY, develop wind energy regulations and wind overlay zones. It provides model language for municipalities with and without planning boards, and notes sections to exclude for communities without zoning.

Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) may be principal or accessory uses, and the construction of a WECS on non-conforming lots is allowed (§I.7.C). All WECS require discretionary use permits. It provides model language for the creation of wind overlay zones, within which the municipality deems wind energy development suitable (§II.10). It allows any WECS within the wind overlay zone with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards. In communities with planning boards, it also allows small WECS outside of the overlay zone, with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards (§IIwith.10.H).

It outlines discretionary use permit procedures (§II.11) and review processes (§II.12). All WECS must comply with standards in §§II.13 – 16. These include transmission infrastructure, communication, sign, lighting, visual impact, location, site preparation, stormwater runoff, and height standards (§II.13). It includes noise and setback standards (§II.16).

It includes additional provisions for small WECS which are allowed with a discretionary use permit outside the wind overlay zones, subject to use-specific standards (§IV). It permits small WECS in any zoning district on 1 acre or larger sites. It does not define specific height requirements for small WECS, rather they must meet lot size and setback from lot line standards (§IV.29.C).

St. Lawrence, NY

2010 Population: 111,944

2010 Population Density: 41.76/square mile