Massachusetts Model As-of-Right Zoning Ordinance or Bylaw: Allowing Use of Wind Energy Facilities
June 2011
By: Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
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This model ordinance provides a template to help cities in Massachusetts develop permitted by right wind energy regulations. This model pertains to all land-based wind energy conversion systems (WECS): small- and large-scale. It provides commentary and guidance for select model ordinance sections.
It includes a definition for “designated location,” and discusses the relative merits of creating wind overlay zones versus designating wind as a permitted use in existing zones (§2.0).
It allows WECS with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards. It suggests incorporating expedited site plan review criteria for small-scale WECS (p.6). Projects must comply with appearance, lighting, signage, utility connection, appurtenant structure, height, access, setback, shadow flicker, sound, land clearing, erosion, habitat protection, monitoring and maintenance, abandonment and decommissioning standards (§§3.9 – 3.12).