Model Wind Ordinance for Wind Energy Facilities in North Carolina
July 2008
By: North Carolina Wind Working Group
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This model ordinance provides a template to help cities and counties in North Carolina develop wind energy regulations. It defines three wind energy facility classes by rated capacity (§3.K-M). Rather than define lot size and height standards, it regulates both through minimum setback requirements. Setback requirements vary between scales and from occupied buildings, property lines, and public roads (§7). These distances range from 1.1 – 2.5 times the turbine height.
It permits small wind energy systems in all districts by right, subject to use-specific standards (§5). It permits medium wind energy systems in agricultural and industrial districts by right, subject to use-specific standards, and allows them with a discretionary use permit in residential and commercial districts. It allows large wind energy systems in all districts with a discretionary use permit. Noise and shadow flicker standards only apply to large wind energy systems (§8).