Biddeford, ME Code of Ordinances

Updated April 2019

By: City of Biddeford
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Wind Energy

The city’s land development code permits small wind energy systems (SWES) by right in all zones except shoreland protection districts, subject to use-specific standards (§III.VI.C.1). It allows small wind energy systems in shoreland zones with a discretionary use permit, subject to use-specific standards (§III.VI.C.2). It allows building-integrated wind energy systems subject to district regulations with a maximum height no greater than 15 feet above district height standards (§III.VI.D). It permits both vertical and horizontal axis wind energy systems (§III.VI.B.4).

Number of SWES per lot and height standards differ by lot size  (§III.VI.E.1&2). It calculates setback distances based on system height (§III.VI.3). SWES may not exceed 100kW rated capacity (§III.VI.B.5).

Biddeford, ME

2010 Population: 21,277

2010 Population Density: 707.18/square mile