Kittitas County, WA, County Code
Updated February 2019
By: Kittitas County Community Development Services
Report a broken linkWind Energy
The county’s zoning code permits small wind energy systems (SWES) by right, subject to use specific standards (§17.61B.040.2). It establishes the wind farm resource overlay zone to expedite utility-scale system permitting.
SWES height, pole type, and rotor diameter standards depend on the proposed facility’s location relative to the urban growth area (17.61B.040). It includes visual appearance, noise, and abandonment standards. It bases setback standards on system height, with varying distances required from neighboring property and utility lines, as well as nonparticipating structures (§17.61B.050.3).
The county pre-identifies sites suitable for wind farm development in the wind farm resource overlay zone (§17.61A.035). It allows wind farms in pre-identified areas with a discretionary use permit, subject to setback standards.
It allows wind farms that do not meet the above criteria with a discretionary use permit (§17.61A.040).
Kittitas, WA
2010 Population: 40,915
2010 Population Density: 17.81/square mile