Riverside County, CA, Code of Ordinances
Updated February 2019
By: Riverside County
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The county’s zoning code regulates principal and accessory use wind energy conversion systems (WECS) and designates the Wind Energy Resource Zone (W-E).
It permits accessory WECS in all zones by right, subject to use-specific standards (§17.224.070). Accessory WECS may not exceed 80 ft in height or setback standards without a discretionary use permit (§17.224.100).
It allows commercial WECS with rated capacity of 100kW or lower in all districts, subject to use-specific standards (§17.224.010). It allows commercial WECS with rated capacity greater than 100kW in the Wind Energy Resource and W-1 districts, subject to use-specific and district standards (§17.224.010). It contains safety and wind access setbacks based on tower height and rotor diameter, respectively (§17.224.040.A&B). District height standards apply to commercial WECS (§17.224.040.O).
It allows accessory and commercial WECS in the W-E zone (§17.164.020.D&E). The W-E zone does not limit WECS by rater capacity, extends the maximum height, and provides streamlined setback standards (§17.164.030).
Riverside, CA
2010 Population: 2,189,641
2010 Population Density: 303.84/square mile