Allen, TX, Land Development Code
Updated April 2018
By: City of Allen
Report a broken linkWind Energy
The city’s land development code distinguishes between small, medium, and large wind energy systems by rated capacity (Appendix A).
It allows small and medium wind energy systems in all single-family residential, agricultural, office, commercial, and industrial districts, and in some multi-family residential districts as accessory uses, with a discretionary use permit subject to use-specific standards (§4.20.3).
It sets maximum wind energy system height for freestanding and building-mounted turbines (§6.06.10.a.iii). It requires turbine setbacks equal to 110 percent of total system height from property lines, right of ways, and easements where utilities are present (§6.06.10.a.v). It includes appearance, sign, wiring, lighting, shadow flicker, signal interference, noise, security, and wildlife standards (§6.06.10.b&c). It describes enforcement, decommissioning, and application processes.
Allen, TX
2010 Population: 84,246
2010 Population Density: 3,204.24/square mile