Jefferson County, ID, Wind Energy Ordinance

Updated December 2008

By: Jefferson County
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Wind Energy

The county’s wind energy ordinance distinguishes between large and small wind energy systems based on intended use and tower height (§4.4&8).

It allows large wind energy systems with a discretionary use permit, subject to use specific standards, in the Agricultural Forty Zone (§5.A). Large-wind energy systems may generate electricity for off-site customers and tower heights may exceed 100 feet (§4.4). Discretionary criteria may include environmental, floodplain, wildlife, and endangered species considerations. It regulates setbacks, access, lighting, connection, appearance, and signage (§5.A.2-10).

It permits small wind energy systems in all zoning districts, subject to use specific standards (§5.B). Standards include lot size, setbacks, access, wiring, lighting, appearance, signage, connection, code compliance, and sound (§5.B.1-11).

It outlines permitting requirements and procedures, stipulations for abandonment and violations, code enforcement and penalties.

Jefferson, ID

2010 Population: 26,140

2010 Population Density: 23.90/square mile