Hillsborough Township, NJ, Township Code
Updated October 2018
By: Hillsborough Township
Report a broken linkWind Energy
The township’s zoning code defines and regulates horizontal- and vertical-axis small wind energy systems.
It permits small horizontal-axis wind energy systems with a discretionary use permit in multiple nonresidential zoning districts, subject to use specific standards (§188-76.B(1)). These standards address minimum lot size, setbacks, access, electrical wires, lighting, appearance, signs, code compliance, utility notification, met towers, noise, and tree removal.
It permits small vertical-axis wind energy systems with a discretionary use permit in all zoning districts, subject to use-specific standards (§188-76.B(2)). These standards address systems per lot, structure-mounted systems, height, setbacks, electromagnetic interference, access, electrical wires, lighting, appearance, signs, code compliance, utility notification, noise, and tree removal.
It defines “small wind energy system” and “vertical axis wind turbine” (§188-3.B).
Hillsborough, NJ
2010 Population: 38,303
2010 Population Density: 702.34/square mile