Getting Information from a GIS Map

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Learning Outcomes
- Recognize the relationship between attributes and thematic maps in ArcGIS Online.
- Use attributes of geographic features to identify spatial patterns on a thematic map in ArcGIS Online.
Course Details
Everywhere you look, people are collecting and using data. You can find data about where you live, what you buy, what you eat, and what music videos you enjoy. There is data about the weather, your health, and the location of coffee houses where you live.
Because there is so much data about everything, how is it possible to understand what all this data means? By mapping data, you can use your strongest sense, your vision, to see patterns that are otherwise hidden in tables of numbers and facts. This course shows you how to create a map that reveals the hidden meaning in data.
Available Exclusively to Passport Subscribers

APA through its longstanding partnership with Esri is excited to offer Passport subscribers exclusive access to these ArcGIS training materials.
NOTE: You will be prompted to register if you do not already have an account with Esri.