Planning April 2017

Planning April 2017

Special Issue on Transportation

Planning's transportation issue touches on old modes — like bicycles and freight trains — and just-around-the corner modes — like autonomous cars. Find out how driverless vehicles will affect the built environment and how planners can prepare. Back up to today's automobiles and find out why planners should be involved in municipal parking policies and pricing strategies.

Featured Articles

Here Come the Robot Cars

No more ifs — autonomous vehicles will impact the built environment in a major way. How should planners prepare? Tim Chapin, Lindsay Stevens, and Jeremy Crute have some answers.

The Price Is Right

Parking fees are about more than just making money; they also can change people's behavior. Story by John Dorsett; sidebar by Bill Smith.

Rail Relationships

Raymond Beshro provides a quick look at best practices for planning and development near freight train operations.


Planning's editor in chief, Meghan Stromberg, talks to planners and others who are shaking up the status quo: Josh Westerhold, Nissan; Jon Terbush, Zagster; and Andrew Salzberg, Uber.

Connecting the Dots

Linking bike share with transit — while also considering equity issues — requires a big-picture approach, writes Greg Griffin.


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