Planning February 2017

Planning February 2017

Big Data and High Water

Who are we Americans? The 2020 Census will provide the data and planners will be charged with figuring out what it means and how to use it to strengthen communities. In Planning this month, "Countdown to the National Selfie" previews the upcoming census and its aftermath. Our cover story, "Flood Warning," explains flood-conscious subdivision design principles that can keep communities safe and dry in the face of more frequent and ferocious floods.

Featured Articles

Countdown to the National Selfie

Planner Christopher Williamson lays out what to expect from Census 2020 — and how to navigate critical data.

Eat Better, Move More, Work Together

Cities and towns of all sizes are creating healthier communities through planning and systems-level change. Marya Morris reports, with a sidebar by Aliza Norcross.

Preventing Harm

Careful floodplain regulations can avert legal challenges, write Chuck Berginnis and Terri Turner.

Communities Thrive on Clean Dirt

A new paradigm in brownfield remediation is revitalizing communities.

Flood Warning

Better subdivision design is key to flood mitigation, writes Madeline Bodin. Sidebar excerpted from APA’s Subdivision Design and Flood Hazard Areas.


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