Jeff Schwein, AICP CTP

About Me
I'm hooked on transportation planning and wake up with a smile thinking about my work day ahead.
Professional Biography
Green DOT owner Jeff Schwein is a Certified Transportation Planner (CTP) with the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). Jeff has worked in the transportation planning field since 2001 on projects ranging from financial programming to multi-modal planning. His specialty is moving projects from the shelf to the ground with accessible and creative funding and delivery strategies. Jeff works with communities to define projects based on identifiable need as well as project type, in relation to available funding resources. In addition to project level transportation planning, Jeff helps communities prepare transportation plans, bicycle plans, and Safe Routes to School Plans that improve mobility options and create active transportation opportunities. Jeff is committed to progressive transportation planning and stays involved in statewide transportation circles like the Rural Counties Task Force and Regional Transportation Planning Agencies group and regularly attends meetings of the California Transportation Commission.
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