Temporary Sign Regulations in a Post-Reed America
Zoning Practice — February 2016
By Wendy Moeller, FAICP, Alan Weinstein

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Any community planner who has had the responsibility of administering and enforcing a zoning code has likely had to deal with the often complex issue of temporary signs. These same planners may understand the need for the signage to advertise local events, business activities, elections, and the like, but they are also charged with regulating the temporary signs to prevent their excessive use, often to preserve community character.
This issue of Zoning Practice summarizes the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Reed v. Town of Gilbert, Arizona, and explores how it impacts local temporary sign regulations. It presents a series of recommended practices for regulating temporary signs in a post-Reed America.
About the Authors
Wendy Moeller, FAICP
Wendy Moeller, FAICP, is a principal and owner of Compass Point Planning in Cincinnati, Ohio. Wendy has served as a project manager for numerous planning and zoning projects across the US. Wendy previously served as the Region IV Director for the American Planning Association and is a past member of the Sign Research Foundation Board of Trustees. Over the course of her 28+ year career, Wendy has served in a number of leadership roles in both planning, sign, and community organizations.
Alan Weinstein
<p>Alan Weinstein is Professor Emeritus of Law & Urban Studies at Cleveland State University. He is a nationally-recognized expert on planning law and has extensive experience with free speech and freedom of religion in the planning law context. He also has studied the division of regulatory authority between states and their local governments. Professor Weinstein taught Land Use Planning Law in both the CSU College of Law and the College of Urban Affairs and as Professor Emeritus offers a seminar on Marijuana Law & Policy at the CSU College of Law.</p>