Development Review as Economic Development
Zoning Practice — February 2014
By Michael Blue, FAICP
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Development review is more than just a series of perfunctory steps to run a project through prior to approval. Done well, it is an economic development tool for a community to attract and secure desirable development, implement plans, and add to the local tax base. Conversely, an unpredictable development approval process can discourage development that the community wants. It can lead to difficulty in implementing plans and create the impression that the community is not a good place to do business.
Development review is an essential element of municipal operations, and when done well, it provides an opportunity for planners to bring a great value to the communities they serve. The process should always improve marginal developments and reject those that are inappropriate, but it should not be the stumbling block that inhibits desirable outcomes.
This issue of Zoning Practice offers suggestions for planners and public officials to help them audit development review processes with an eye toward improving predictability, emphasizing open and continuous communication, and, ultimately, adding value to their communities.
About the Author
Michael Blue, FAICP
Michael Blue, FAICP is a Principal Consultant at Teska Associates in Evanston, IL. His work includes preparing comprehensive and strategic plans, zoning regulations, and staff and organizational development plans. Michael previously worked as Community Development Director for Highland Park, IL and Deputy CD Director for Mount Prospect, IL. His work in those communities included long range planning, current planning, and support of Council and Commission activities. Michael has been active in national and state leadership of APA for much of his career.