Urban Agriculture: Growing Healthy, Sustainable Places
PAS Report 563
By Kimberley Hodgson, Marcia Caton Campbell, Martin Bailkey

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Urban agriculture is rising steadily in popularity in the United States and Canada — there are stories in the popular press, it has an increasingly central place in the growing local food movement, and there is a palpable interest in changing cities to foster both healthier residents and more sustainable communities. The most popular form of urban agriculture, community gardening, contributes significantly to developing social connections, building capacity, and empowering communities in urban neighborhoods.
Older, industrial cities such as Cleveland, Detroit, and Buffalo, with their drastic loss of population and their acres of vacant land, are emerging as centers for urban agriculture initiatives — in essence, becoming laboratories for the future role of urban food production in the postindustrial city.
Because urban agriculture entails the use of urban land, it has implications for urban land-use planning, which is controlled and regulated by municipal governments and planning agencies. This PAS Report provides authoritative guidance for dealing with the implications of this cutting-edge practice that is changing our cities forever.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: What is Urban Agriculture?
History of Urban Agriculture
Defining Urban Agriculture
Benefits of Urban Agriculture
Risks of Urban Agriculture
Prerequisites for Urban Agriculture
Chapter 3: Facilitating Urban Agriculture Through Planning Practice
Developing Community Visions and Goals for Urban Agriculture Plan Making
Implementation Mechanisms for Desired Plan Goals
Using Urban Agriculture to Influence the Outcomes of Private Development Projects
Agricultural Urbanism
Supporting Urban Agriculture Through Public-Sector Programs
Chapter 4: Linking Urban Agriculture with Planning Practice
Fostering Resilient Communities
Reclaiming Vacant Land
Reusing Brownfields for Urban Agriculture
Economic Development
Community Health and Wellness
Community Capacity Building and Empowerment
Chapter 5: Planning for Urban Agriculture: Lessons Learned
Appendix 1: Urban Agriculture Components in Food Charters
Appendix 2: Urban Agriculture Components in Local Comprehensive Plans
Appendix 3: Urban Agriculture Components in Local Sustainability Plans
Appendix 4: Urban Agriculture Components in Regional Plans
Appendix 5: Urban Agriculture-Related Zoning Regulations
Appendix 6: Allowances for Poultry, Livestock, or Bees in Animal Control Ordinances
Appendix 7: Other Municipal Policies Supporting Urban Agriculture Resources