March 27, 2025
DOT Rescinds Guidance to States – Here’s What It Means for Planners
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has begun to undo a variety of directives from the Biden administration that guided state and federal infrastructure investments. There are potentially troubling signs that progress through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in areas like biking, pedestrian safety, and environmental impacts may be jeopardized. -
June 5, 2024
Making HUD a Better Partner for Local Zoning Reform
The newly introduced Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Housing Act would make HUD a better policy partner to communities embracing housing reform by providing ideas and information that leverage federal expertise, increase transparency through new tools like a national zoning atlas, and spur local innovation. -
April 5, 2024
FY24 Spending Package: What You Need to Know About Housing
APA Public Affairs staff break down the support for housing and zoning reform in the FY24 spending bill and what it means for planners. -
January 19, 2024
60 Years of Racial Equity in Urban Planning
Uncovering JAPA: Insightful analysis about racial equity planning to inform planning practitioners' efforts to advance racial and social justice. -
January 2, 2024
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rule Finalized by Biden Administration
The Federal Highway Administration finalized an APA-supported planning rule for greenhouse gas emissions, including the release of a reduction tool to move climate change performance measurement forward. -
December 12, 2023
It Takes A Planner to Reconnect Cleveland’s Lakefront
Cleveland planners invited nearly 100 elected officials to come together and discuss the role of planning in shaping the city's future. -
November 17, 2023
Improving Inclusivity of Urban Governance
Uncovering JAPA: Nurturing the culture of a governing body can make it more inclusive for everyone. -
November 13, 2023
Tribal Zoning? Well, It’s Complicated
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: How can planners help tribal authorities apply zoning to "checkboard" reservations? -
April 21, 2023
It Takes a Planner: Communicating Your Value to Policymakers
APA is launching “It Takes a Planner”, an effort aimed at building the influence of planners among state and local elected and appointed officials. -
January 10, 2023
Congress Funds New ‘YIMBY’ Grants for Zoning Reform
Congress passes a new $85 million grant program aimed at zoning reform. The funding represents a new and significant incentive and support for local zoning reform and planning for housing affordability. -
September 20, 2022
Five+ Federal Infrastructure Programs Every Planner Should Know
The passage of the landmark Bipartisan Infrastucture Law saw the largest direct investment in community planning in a century. Here are 5+ new or expanded programs created by BIL that every planner should know about right now. -
September 13, 2022
Do Your Planning Boards Reflect Your Community?
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: It's time to get serious about diversifying local planning and zoning boards. -
August 18, 2022
Planning for Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa and Beyond
Uncovering JAPA: Planning can be fraught with corruption. A study in Ghana identifies institutional and interpersonal factors that lead to corruption. -
November 4, 2021
White House Embraces Federal Zoning Reform Provision
New federal support for zoning reform is in President Biden's Build Back Better framework thanks to planners' advocacy. White House leaders recently made the case for why tackling zoning and housing supply challenges is at the center of the President's economic agenda. -
April 19, 2021
Shaping the Future of Municipalities Through Investment in Shared Spaces
Massachusetts' Shared Streets and Spaces grant program offers a look at improving quality of life by investing in public spaces. -
March 25, 2021
Return of Congressional Earmarks Marks New Funding Opportunity For Planners
Earmarks are back on Capitol Hill, giving planners a new pathway for securing funding for critical projects. APA's Jason Jordan breaks down what planners need to know to secure federal support for transportation project earmarks. -
January 27, 2021
Planners Secure Zoning Reform Win in Massachusetts
A new economic development bill includes provisions that will make it easier for towns and cities across Massachusetts to produce more housing by greenlighting certain local zoning changes with a simple majority vote. -
September 9, 2020
4 Cost-Effective Ways Planners Can Boost Census Response
With less than a month before the end of data collection for the 2020 Census, planners are making final efforts to help increase self-response rates in the hardest-to-count neighborhoods. -
August 19, 2020
Centering Planning in the Federal Surface Transportation Debate
With the nation's current surface transportation law set to expire next month, APA Policy Director Jason Jordan explores the path to reauthorization legislation and the status of key planning priorities. -
July 8, 2020
Congress Looks to Planning as a Climate Crisis Solution
A new congressional climate action plan positions planning as one solution to tackling climate change. APA supported the creation of the plan by contributing ideas for how federal climate policy can set the context for effective local and regional plans. -
May 12, 2020
7 Ways to Respond to Regulation Rollbacks
How can planners offer sound, ethical strategies when the pandemic puts pressure on officials to ease or roll back regulations? -
February 3, 2020
3 Top Issues for Planners in 2020 State Legislatures
As 2020 state legislative sessions start up, here are three top issues for planners. -
July 1, 2019
What Did and Didn't Change With the Supreme Court’s Knick Decision
APA Amicus Committee Chair John Baker explains what the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn a longstanding property takings precedent means for planners. -
May 13, 2019
Washington Talks Infrastructure: Will This Time Be Different?
APA Policy Director Jason Jordan reviews the current state of legislative debates on infrastructure in Washington and explores the ways in which APA and its planning advocates are influencing policy ideas in the making. -
November 7, 2018
10 Takeaways from the 2018 Midterm Elections
The 2018 Midterm Elections delivered historic firsts and set the stage for shifts in power likely to affect legislative outcomes on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures nationwide. APA reviews the key takeaways. -
October 12, 2018
Hazard Mitigation Reforms Hitch a Ride on FAA Bill
Congressional legislation reauthorizing the FAA included important reforms that promote hazard mitigation and resiliency. The legislation marks one of the most sweeping changes to federal hazard programs in years. -
October 4, 2018
Congressional Funding Could Affect Your Local Park
Funding for our parks, green spaces, and the National Park Service are on Congress's agenda. APA is calling on planning advocates to ensure these vital spaces and sources of funding will be protected. -
March 15, 2018
Infrastructure Remains a Priority, But Funding Still a Question Mark
APA's Policy Director Jason Jordan recaps the latest congressional overtures on an infrastructure package. -
February 21, 2018
Taking the "UD" Out of HUD: Trumps's Proposed Budget Kills Off Programs
The President's FY 2019 budget proposal dramatically changes the core functions of HUD by eliminating all community development programs and cutting off funds for renovating and modernizing public housing. -
February 13, 2018
Trump Administration's 2019 Budget Would Devastate Core Planning Programs
Once again, the Trump administration has proposed eliminating federal funding for programs central to good planning. APA believes such attempts only hurt communities, and urges planning advocates to voice their support for these vital programs. -
January 31, 2018
Trump's State of the Union's Infrastructure Aspirations Lofty but Details Scant
APA's Director of Policy Jason Jordan recaps President Trump's first State of the Union Address, the planning issues discussed, and policy issues Congress must address in the days ahead. -
January 11, 2018
HUD Extends Assessment of Fair Housing Deadline
In a controversial move, HUD issued a notice effectively suspending new fair housing planning rules until 2020. APA plans to submit comments on the action. -
December 18, 2017
Most Planning, Development Tools Survive in Tax Reform Compromise
House and Senate conferees have struck a compromise agreement on tax reform. While the bill preserves most planning and development tools, long-term effects of tax reform pose new uncertainties for local planning efforts and communities. -
December 5, 2017
Congressional Conference Committee Takes on Tax Reform
Congressional leaders are hoping to complete work on tax reform before the end of the year. The quickest way to accomplish that is reconciling the differences between the House and Senate bills through the conference committee process. -
December 4, 2017
Tax Reform Clears Senate; Key Planning Issues Still at Stake
With both House and Senate tax bills passed, it is now the job of conferees to reconcile the two for a final vote on tax reform before the holiday recess. Here's what APA likes and dislikes about each bill. -
November 21, 2017
Tax Reform Negotiations on the Horizon
Congress heads home for Thanksgiving having made significant progress on tax reform legislation. The House of Representatives passed its bill, and the Senate's legislation will head to the floor soon. -
November 10, 2017
Senate Tax Bill: Key Differences from the House Version
The Senate Finance Committee released a detailed summary of its own tax reform legislation just hours after the long-awaited tax bill hit the floor in the House. -
November 6, 2017
Analysis: Tax Reform Proposal Impacts Housing, Economic Development
The long-awaited tax reform legislation, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (HR 1), contains provisions that will have potentially significant impacts on housing and economic development activities. -
October 19, 2017
2020 Census Funding Increase Needed Urgently
The 2020 Census faces severe budgetary constraints for the irreplaceable decennial count. Similar problems could be in store for other Census Bureau activities, including the American Community Survey and the already delayed Economic Census. -
September 14, 2017
Touting TIGER's Benefits
APA reached out to TIGER awardees who were granted funding and asked them to share the importance of TIGER to their communities. -
June 5, 2017
Happy 10th Birthday to NOAA’s Digital Coast!
NOAA's Digitial Coast is turning 10. APA is a partner in this initiative, which brings tools and resources to coastal communities. -
May 2, 2017
Planning Ahead for Disaster Recovery
FEMA recently released the Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning Guide for Local Governments, which provides guidance and tools for local governments. -
February 28, 2017
Budget 101: 3 Terms You Need to Know for Federal Budget Season
Planners should know about the key terms associated with the federal budgetary process: budgets, authorizations, and appropriations. -
February 3, 2017
Legislation Takes Aim at Fair Housing Plans and Federal Data
Issues of housing, social equity, and access to data are critical APA legislative and policy priorities, and APA will vigorously oppose legislation that threatens them. -
January 17, 2017
Obama’s HUD Showed Support for Planning — Will Trump’s?
APA's housing and community development policy expert Tess Hembree looks back on Obama's HUD legacy and reviews Ben Carson's performance at his nomination hearing. -
September 12, 2016
Smart City Challenge Winner Readies for Implementation
APA member Kathleen McMahon, AICP, goes behind the scenes with the City of Columbus, Ohio, to find out what's next for the Smart City Challenge winner. -
July 12, 2016
New Resources for Local Food Systems Planning
As a part of the Growing Food Connection partnership, APA recently unveiled a series of policy briefs for planners and decision makers that help tackle local issues in food systems planning. -
June 21, 2016
Columbus, Ohio, Awarded 'Smart City' Grant
Columbus, Ohio, is selected to receive the Department of Transportation's "Smart Cities Challenge" grant. -
June 7, 2016
Smart Cities: Behind the Scenes With Austin, Portland, San Francisco
This is the second of a two-part series on the plans behind DOT's Smart City Challenge. -
May 19, 2016
How Federal Transportation Funding Is Creating Opportunity in North Carolina
How Wilson, North Carolina, began righting past design wrongs with federal transportation funding.
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