March 3, 2025
Wait, Who Approves Large-Scale Solar Siting?
Determining which agency ultimately has the authority to approve the siting of a new large-scale solar facility can be complicated. About half of all states have have established explicit limits on local siting authority, offer certain developers a way to bypass that authority, or maintain a parallel siting process. -
September 25, 2024
Advancing Equity Through Solar Energy in Tribal Communities
Equity in Practice: Federal solar grants help power Tribal homes and create new job opportunities. -
March 13, 2024
Big Batteries Are Changing the Energy Landscape
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Is your community ready for battery energy storage systems to help store the sun? -
February 2, 2024
Now Is the Time to Plan for Our Solar-Powered Future
Solar energy is on its way to being the dominant source of power, but a smooth transition isn't guaranteed. Check out the new third edition of the Solar@Scale guidebook for fresh guidance on planning for utility- and community-scale solar development. -
April 25, 2023
When It Comes to Large-Scale Solar, Show, Don't (Just) Tell
There's no substitute for a good visualization when it comes to demystifying large-scale solar development. -
March 6, 2023
Plan Now to Overcome Reflexive Opposition to Large-Scale Solar
Reflexive opposition to large-scale solar projects is on the rise in many parts of the country. Start planning now to avoid the reactive trap. -
January 24, 2023
Updated Large-Scale Solar Guidance from Solar@Scale
Is your community ready to have a conversation about large-scale solar development? Check out the new second edition of the Solar@Scale guidebook for a comprehensive discussion of local policies and actions that can affect the siting and design of community- and utility-scale solar facilities. -
August 9, 2022
Visual Guide to Agrivoltaics and Wildlife-Friendly Solar
Agrivoltaics — or the placement of a solar energy system on the same parcel of land as agricultural production — and wildlife-friendly solar practices can help communities capture multiple benefits from large-scale solar development. -
June 3, 2022
It’s Not Necessarily Solar vs. Agriculture
The topic of large-scale solar development in rural communities doesn't have to be controversial. Learn how local officials and developers can work together to clear up the misconception that these two land uses cannot co-exist. -
November 1, 2021
Solar@Scale: Opportunities for Planners to Act
A new guidebook from APA and ICMA highlights key opportunities for planners to help speed the decarbonization of the U.S. electricity grid by promoting context-sensitive large-scale solar development in the communities they serve. -
December 21, 2020
Exploring Gaps in Guidance for Large-Scale Solar Development
The Solar@Scale team recently analyzed the existing literature on planning and zoning for large-scale solar development and identified some significant gaps. -
October 14, 2020
Solar@Scale: Improving the Local Rules for Large-Scale Solar
APA has partnered with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) on Solar@Scale, a new U.S. Department of Energy-funded project to help realize the potential benefits of large-scale solar development for cities, counties, and special districts. -
September 29, 2016
How DO Planners Deal with Local Fracking?
A Summer 2016 JAPA article looks at how planners are dealing with the dangers and problems created by local fracking. -
July 14, 2016
Play 'Solar Powering Sunnyside' to Sharpen Your Solar Skills
A new land-use planning exercise can help communities start a conversation about local solar energy use.
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