APA’s Rules of Conduct

Creating a Welcoming Environment at APA
Fostering inclusivity, respect, learning, connection
APA is committed to encouraging a welcoming environment where everyone can connect, learn, and grow within a community of mutual respect. Since launching the Welcoming Environment initiative in 2023, APA has taken proactive steps to foster respectful interactions in all Association activities.
Rules of Conduct Policy and Procedures
APA Rules of Conduct: Anti-Harassment & Anti-Discrimination Policy
APA ensures welcoming environments by prohibiting discrimination, harassment, bullying, or retaliation in all Association activities.
Procedures Governing Complaints of Discrimination or Harassment
All complaints reporting violations of APA's Rules of Conduct are taken seriously and will be handled in accordance with the procedures outlined.
Filing a Complaint
If you are participating in an APA activity and experience or witness discrimination or harassment, consult the Rules of Conduct Checklist, and use the link below if you wish to file a complaint.
Sign the Pledge
Take a stand against sexual harassment and discrimination by signing APA's Pledge.
Rules of Conduct Reporting Process
APA Rules of Conduct Complaint Checklist

We encourage you to use this checklist before submitting a rules of conduct complaint to help you determine if the rules cover the conduct in question.
APA Rules of Conduct Complaint Process

This tool helps you understand the procedures that follow a filed complaint.
The Welcoming Environment initiative was born out of APA Board discussions in 2023 related to the strategic goal of Prioritizing Equity, which identified the need for a proactive, holistic approach to improving respectful behavior, inclusion, and belonging in all APA activities. A timely listening session with leaders from the Women & Planning Division provided valuable insights around the issue of sexual harassment, and the need to provide focused attention to that topic. APA established a Welcoming Environment Task Force to recommend actions related to conduct, training, and resources around welcoming, respectful behavior. The Association quickly introduced an initial Code of Conduct at its National Planning Conference and appointed an Ombudsperson who was available to support conference attendees to ensure a positive experience at the meeting.
In 2024, the Welcoming Environment Task Force developed the Conduct policy, procedure, and set of resources reflected here to ensure that respectful, inclusive interactions are systematically encouraged and supported across all its activities.
Welcoming Environment Committee
The Welcoming Environment Committee will review any complaints made under the new APA Rules of Conduct and shall adjudicate all contested Rules matters and disciplinary proceedings. The Committee shall advise the Board on measures to foster adherence to the Rules, shall monitor the effectiveness of the Rules, and shall take such other actions as are identified in the Rules. The Committee shall, in accordance with these Rules, authorize the engagement of an independent investigator to assist in the carrying out of these responsibilities.
Committee members
Silvia Vargas, FAICP | Chair
Jonathan Gates
Bruce Parker
Wendy Moeller, FAICP
Allison Mouch, AICP
Additional Resources
To support individuals who may need assistance or more information, APA has compiled a list of resources on discrimination and sexual harassment.
Bystander Training: Identifying and Preventing Sexual Harassment
This 35-minute presentation by sexual harassment survivor Stephanie Vogt provides valuable guidance about how to prevent harassment.
APA volunteer leaders identified in the Rules of Conduct must comply with annual training requirements, which are communicated in leadership onboarding.
Sexual Harassment Resources
To speak with someone who is trained to help, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or chat online at online.rainn.org.
Key facts to understand what sexual harassment is.
How to Talk About Sexual Harassment
A guide for facilitating conversation between those who have experienced sexual harassment and those who seek to support them.
How to Listen When Someone You Know Discloses Sexual Harassment or Assault
The article offers guidance on how to listen empathetically and supportively when someone discloses experiences of sexual harassment or assault.
Don't Forget Women of Color When You Talk About Sexual Harassment
This article talks about the necessity of including women of color, who are often marginalized, in discussions about sexual harassment.
11 Types of Workplace Harassment (and How to Stop Them)
This article outlines 11 types of workplace harassment, including verbal, physical, and cyber harassment, and provides strategies for recognizing and preventing each type.
Discrimination Resources
How Othering Contributes to Discrimination and Prejudice
This article explains "othering" as a social phenomenon in which individuals or groups perceive and treat others as fundamentally different, leading to exclusion or discrimination.
5 Types of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace & How To Eliminate Them
This article provides an overview of unconscious bias, explaining how automatic judgments affect hiring, promotions, and workplace culture.
Discrimination: What It Is and How to Cope
This article discusses different types of stress caused by racism, bias, and discrimination, detailing how they impact mental and physical health.
University of San Francisco: Discrimination and Racism Resources
While these resources are offered specifically for USF students, this list provides self-help resources for those dealing with discrimination.
Othering and Belonging Institute
Resources and research to foster inclusive communities and promote a sense of belonging
AICP Resources
AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP)
AICP Ethical Conduct Complaint Form
If you believe an AICP member has violated the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, please submit this form.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the APA Rules of Conduct?
The APA Rules of Conduct establish guidelines to ensure a welcoming environment free from discrimination and harassment in all APA activities.
Who do the Rules of Conduct apply to?
The rules apply to all participants, including members, non-members, guests, sponsors, volunteers, and vendors at APA national events, both in-person and virtual, and in all other activities hosted by the Association as outlined in the policy.
What types of behavior are prohibited under these rules?
Prohibited behaviors include harassment or discrimination based on various identities, sexual harassment, bullying, and any form of physical violence or threats.
How can I report an incident of harassment or discrimination?
Incidents should be reported using the Rules of Conduct Incident Form. It's important to report incidents within three months of occurrence.
What happens after I report an incident?
An independent investigator will review the complaint, and the Welcoming Environment Committee will determine the appropriate actions based on the findings.
What are the potential outcomes of an investigation?
Outcomes can range from informal discussions and reprimands to temporary or permanent removal from APA membership or leadership roles.
Is there a process for appealing a decision made by the Welcoming Environment Committee?
Yes, both the alleged victim and the accused have the right to appeal decisions within three weeks of notification.
What protections are in place against retaliation?
The APA prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a complaint or assists in an investigation, and such actions will themselves be grounds for sanctions.
What should I do if I feel unsafe at an event?
If you feel threatened, you should call 911 immediately and then report the incident to the APA.
How does the APA ensure compliance with these rules?
A standing Welcoming Environment Committee oversees the enforcement of these rules and works with independent investigators to address complaints.