Acme, MI, Requested Zoning Ordinance Amendment 0XX – Addition of “Barn Functions” to “Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit” in the A‐1, Agricultural Zoning District
August 22, 2011 – May 1, 2012This series of staff reports and meeting minutes details discussions about a zoning amendment that added a wide range of “Agricultural Tourism” as uses permitted by right or by special permit to the agricultural district. -
Forsyth County, NC, Public Hearing on Zoning Text Amendment to Amend Chapters A and B of the Unified Development Ordinances to Create Provisions for the “Agricultural Tourism” Use Classification (UDO)
January 2008This brief staff report recommends amending the county’s unified development ordinance to create provisions for an agricultural use classification within Voluntary Agricultural Districts. -
San Mateo County, CA, Agritourism Guidelines
2012These guidelines were developed to guide the review and establishment of commercial activities on agricultural land. -
Mariposa County, CA, Agriculture Advisory Committee Summary and Recommendations
August 20, 2009This staff report recommends an agritourism and agri-nature tourism amendment to the county code for approval. -
Snohomish County, WA, Focus on Farming
2017This county website addresses agritourism as part of a wide range of resources for local agricultural producers. -
Local Regulation of Agritourism and Agriculture
New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning Seminar, Spring 2016by: Barton MayerThis paper examines the legal aspects of regulating agritourism, in particular how it is defined as an accessory use to agriculture. -
2018This clearinghouse website offers a wide range of resources on agritourism within California. -
Perceived Impact of Agritourism on Farm Economic Standing, Sales and Profits
Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, 34, 2010by: Carla Barbieri, Christine TewThis article examines the economic gains of agritourism development on Missouri farms. -
The Economic Contributions of Agritourism in New Jersey
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Bulletin E333, 2014by: Brian Schilling, Kevin Sullivan, Stephen KomarThis bulletin examines the economic contributions of agritourism in the state of New Jersey. -
Report of the Center for Rural Virginia On the Expansion and Promotion of Farm Businesses and Rural Enterprises
2010This report examines strategies that expand and promote economic opportunities of the agriculture industry, particularly the expansion and promotion of farm businesses or rural enterprises. -
Consumer Demand for Agricultural and On-Farm Nature Tourism
University of California Small Farm Center Research Brief 2005-01, 2005by: Desmond Jolly, Kristin ReynoldsThis briefing paper examined demographic and psychographic characteristics of potential agritourism visitors as well as consumer motivations for farm and ranch visits and prospects for increased farm revenue. -
Direct Farm Marketing as a Rural Development Tool
Rural Development Perspectives, vol. 12, no. 2, 2001by: Fred GaleThis article explores the prospects of direct farm marketing for bolstering farm income and promoting rural development. -
Planning for Agritourism: A Guide for Local Governments and Indiana Farmers
2012This guide reinforces the importance of planning for agritourism activities as a way to help support existing farming enterprises, diversify local economies, and maintain rural character. -
Regulating the Farm: Improving Agriculture’s Viability in the Capitol Region
July 2007This report focuses on the need to go beyond farmland preservation efforts to promote and support the viability of farming operations and farmers in the region. -
States’ Agritourism Statutes
2016by: Annie Alexander, Elizabeth RumleyThis website offers links to the statutory texts of agritourism statutes for the more than half of U.S. states that have enacted such statutes. -
Red Hook, NY, Municipal Code
Updated November 2020This town’s zoning code belongs to the Agritourism and Farmland Protection collections. -
Isle of Wight County, VA, Code of the County
Updated September 2021This regulation belongs to the Agritourism and Farmland Protection collections. -
Suffolk County, NY, Code of Ordinances
Updated November 2013This county's regulation belongs to the Agritourism and Farmland Protection collections. -
Lee County, FL, Land Development Code
Updated July 2021The county's regulation belongs to the Agritourism and Farmland Protection collections. -
Obstacles in the Agritourism Regulatory Process: Perspectives of Operators and Officials in Ten California Counties
University of California Agricultural Issues Center AIC Issues Brief No. 22, September 2003by: Diana Keith, Ellen Rilla, Holly GeorgeThis briefing paper examines local regulatory obstacles facing California farmers and ranchers interested in developing agritourism operations. -
Agritourism: Ideas and Resources
Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 310-004, 2009by: Martha WalkerThough written for farmers, this briefing paper provides helpful background information on agritourism. -
The New Food Truck Advocacy: Social Media, Mobile Food Vending Associations, Truck Lots, & Litigation in California & Beyond
Nexus, 17(35): 35–58, 2012by: Jeffrey Dermer, Matthew Geller, Baylen LinnedkinThis article from the law and policy journal Nexus identifies general characteristics of food trucks, the factors that contribute to community support, an overview of general food truck regulations, and example food truck regulations from the state of California. -
Designing Fair and Effective Street Vending Policy: It’s Time for a New Approach
2016by: Renia EhrenfeuchtThis article from the journal Cityscape evaluates three research projects to determine that reducing street vending regulations and instead using planning can foster compatibility in the urban environment. -
Food Truck Freedom: How to Build Better Food-Truck Laws in Your City
2012by: Robert Frommer, Bert GallThis guide from the Institute for Justice comes out of the National Street Vending initiative and provides recommendations and case studies that municipalities can refer to when developing their own food truck policies. -
San Diego, CA, Amendments to the Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program Related to Food Trucks
2014This staff report discusses the regulatory amendments to sanction and control a wider range of mobile food units on public and private property, and provides insight into the opposing interests that often exist in regard to mobile vending. -
Food Cartology: Rethinking Urban Spaces as People Places
2010by: Urban Vitality GroupThis report documents research conducted to assesses the impact of food carts on neighborhood livability and community economic development, and the potential negative consequences of allowing food carts in the Portland metropolitan area. -
Atlanta Street Food Feasibility Study
2010by: Zachary Adriaenssens, Mike Cutno, Vanhvilai DouangchaiThis study, conducted by three graduate students, covers the topic areas of policy, urban design, economic impact, and food environment as they relate to mobile food vending in the Atlanta region. -
Report on Food Trucks: A Multiple City Analysis and Report of Site Visit to Los Angeles
2010by: Salvatore LaMattina, Michael RossThis report analyzes food truck regulations from six major U.S. cities and provides recommendations for mobile food truck vending in Boston. -
Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals, Mobile Food Unit Operation Guide
2016This guide covers mobile food unit definitions, classifications, and illustrative examples, food sanitation and personal hygiene rules, commissary requirements, water supply and sewage, administrative requirements, and cleaning and sanitation. -
Denver, CO, Food Truck Guide
2017This guide provides an example of a concise document providing guidance for mobile food vendors on operating within the local legal framework as it relates to public and private property. -
Boston, MA, Zoning Code
Updated March 2022This regulation belongs to the Climate Change, Green Building, Hazard Mitigation, Shared Mobility, and Urban Agriculture collections. -
New Orleans, LA, Master Plan
Updated September 2017The city’s comprehensive plan includes extensive hazard mitigation policy recommendations in its Environmental Stewardship, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Change chapter. -
Chicago, IL, Municipal Code
Updated September 2021This regulation belongs to the Transit-Oriented Development and Urban Agriculture collections. -
Monroe, OH, Code of Ordinances
Updated October 2021This regulation belongs to the Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Urban Agriculture collections. -
Kamloops, BC, Food and Urban Agriculture Plan
Adopted September 2015This functional plan addresses the city's work to promote food security and uses a systems approach to show food's importance to the local economy and social and ecological fabric. -
Las Cruces, NM, Urban Agriculture and Food Policy Plan
2016This functional plan, the first of its kind to be adopted in the state of New Mexico, provides recommendations to guide the city’s efforts to support and expand food and agriculture activities. -
Cincinnati, OH, Code of Ordinances
Updated November 2021The city's zoning code addresses urban agriculture. -
Hartford, CT, Municipal Code
Updated May 2021The city code's parks and recreation chapter addresses urban agriculture. -
Promoting Urban Agriculture as an Alternative Land Use for Vacant Properties in the City of Detroit: Benefits, Problems, and Proposals for a Regulatory Framework for Successful Land Use Integration
Wayne Law Review 56(1521): 1521–1580, 2010by: John Mogk, Sarah Kwiatkowski, Mary WeindorfThis article makes the case that Detroit should actively promote the development of urban agriculture within its boundaries to boost the local economy, improve health, and help revitalize the city. -
Community Food Production: The Role of Local Governments in Increasing Community Food Production for Local Markets
Growing Food Connections Planning & Policy Briefs, August 2017by: Ann Dillemuth, AICPThis briefing paper, written by APA as part of the Growing Food Connections partnership, explores several strategies local governments can implement to increase the production of food for local markets, ensure that regulatory and economic climates promote more "farm-friendly" environments, and grow the next generation of farmers. -
Creating a Legal Framework for Urban Agriculture: Lessons from Flint, Michigan
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 1(2): 91–104, 2010by: Megan Masson-Minock, Deirdra StockmannThis article offers a detailed case study of changes to land development codes to allow for urban agriculture in Flint, MI. -
Urban Agriculture Planning & Zoning Study
February 2014by: Jennifer Berky, Jeffrey LeJavaThis report sought to identify the specific barriers to residents' engagement in urban agriculture and propose changes to encourage this engagement in Kingston, NY. -
Urban Agriculture in a Post-Industrial Landscape: A Case for Community-Generated Urban Design
48th ISOCARP Congress, 2012by: Md Mahbubur Meenar, Jeffrey Featherstone, Amy CahnThis article examines urban agriculture practices in Cleveland, Detroit, and Philadelphia, focusing on urban agriculture as both a community-generated urban form in post-industrial urban landscapes and as a planning process and policy problem or opportunity. -
Urban Agriculture: A Tool for Creating Economic Development and Healthy Communities in Prince George’s County, MD
September 2012This report addresses urban agriculture by exploring concepts and main characteristics and discussing its relationship to the broader food system planning, sustainability, and public health. -
Community Garden Policy Scan
November 2013by: Dillon Consulting LimitedThis report offers an external scan of academic and grey literature, policies, and regulations adopted by Ontario municipalities to inform an internal review of policies within Halton Region, ON. -
Urban Agriculture and Backyard Beekeeping
2015This briefing paper provides background information related to urban beekeeping, and addresses the common concerns and benefits from health, environment, social, and economic standpoints. -
City of Richmond Urban Agriculture Assessment
October 2011by: , PolicyLinkThis report sought to understand the role of urban agriculture in Richmond, CA. -
Integrating Urban Farms into the Social Landscape of Cities: Recommendations for Strengthening the Relationship Between Urban Farms and Local Communities
July 2014by: Melissa Poulsen, Marie SpikerThis report draws from interviews with farmers, neighborhood leaders, community residents, and other stakeholders in Baltimore City to highlight what differentiates urban farms from their rural counterparts. -
Flint Urban Agriculture Legal Framework: Background Report
2009by: ENP & AssociatesThis report audited the zoning ordinance of Flint, Michigan, and identified challenges to urban agriculture posed by existing regulations or the lack of these regulations. -
Growing Food Where it is Needed
CSF White Paper No. 2, August 2010by: Elizabeth RadicanThis briefing paper discusses local governments' roles in supporting urban agriculture projects and policies as strategies to address food deserts, community food security, and greening initiatives.