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    • 10 Principles for Managing Autonomous Vehicles on City Streets

      Autonomous vehicles spark questions about safety, accessibility, congestion, and even labor practices, but planners can pull ahead in the AV revolution.
      by: Jonathan Barnett, FAICP, Zhongjie Lin       February 17, 2023
      Autonomous vehicles spark questions about safety, accessibility, congestion, and even labor practices, but planners can pull ahead in the AV revolution.
    • 7 Trends Knocking at the Planning Office Door

      In today’s complex world, balancing everyday activities, near-term plans, and visioning for the future is more challenging than ever. APA Foresight has got you covered.
      by: Petra Hurtado, PhD, Alexsandra Gomez       July 08, 2021
      In today's rapidly changing world, it can be tough to stay abreast of all the challenges facing planners. This article explores seven of the most pressing trends for the profession and what they could mean for your community.
    • Autonomous Vehicles: Developing a Public Health Research Agenda to Frame the Future of Transportation Policy

      Journal of Transport and Health, 6: 245-252, 2017
      by: Travis Crayton, AICP , Benjamin Meier
      This article examines the prospective public health implications arising from the widespread adoption of fully autonomous vehicles and public health considerations for the development of transportation policy.
    • Emerging Vehicle Technologies & the Search for Urban Mobility Solutions

      Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 4(1): 83-100, 2016
      by: Jitendra Bajpai
      This article examines the potential of autonomous vehicles to improve road safety, lower fuel consumption and emissions in vehicles, and provide mobility options for vulnerable populations.
    • Cautious Optimism About Driverless Cars and Land Use in American Metropolitan Areas

      Cityscape, 18(3): 181-184, 2016
      by: Brandon Fuller
      This article examines the potential for autonomous vehicles to enable beneficial changes in land use.
    • Driverless Cars and the City: Sharing Cars, Not Rides

      Cityscape, 18(3): 197-204, 2016
      by: Wendell Cox
      This article speculates that driverless cars will not significantly impact urban form but will expand opportunities and quality of life for the disabled and other people who are unable to drive.
    • Transitioning to Driverless Cars

      Cityscape, 18(3): 193-196, 2016
      by: Giles Duranton
      This article discusses some considerations about transitioning to autonomous vehicles.
    • Choice and Speculation

      Cityscape, 18(3): 185-192, 2016
      by: Lisa Schweitzer
      This article discusses potential changes related to the adoption of autonomous vehicle technologies.
    • The Evolution of Connected Vehicle Technology: From Smart Drivers to Smart Cars to… Self-Driving Cars

      ITE Journal, July 2013
      by: Siva Narla
      This article looks at the last two decades of transportation innovation as a perspective for visualizing the changes that autonomous vehicle technology will bring.
    • Urban Form and Function in the Autonomous Era

      Australasian Transport Research Forum Proceedings, November 2016
      by: Praveen Thakur, Robert Kinghorn, Renan Grace
      This article explores the potential impacts of the autonomous era on transport infrastructure demand and urban form.
    • How Governments Can Promote Automated Driving

      New Mexico Law Review, 47(1): 99-138, 2017
      by: Bryant Smith
      This article presents steps to help governments encourage the adoption of automated vehicles (AVs) within the communities they serve.
    • Ten Rules for Cities About Automated Vehicles

      Public Square, February 2020
      by: Jeff Speck, FAICP
      This article offers ten suggestions for cities to consider how autonomous vehicles (AVs) can help maximize mobility for the greatest number of people, with the most positive outcomes for society.
    • Automated Vehicle Regulatory Challenges: Avoiding Legal Potholes through Collaboration

      League of California Cities, September 2017
      by: Greg Rodriguez, Lauren Isaac
      This article offers an introduction to the regulatory landscape and challenges that come with automated vehicles.
    • How Driverless Cars Could Be a Big Problem for Cities

      Governing, August 2017
      by: Mike Maciag
      This article discusses how autonomous vehicles (AVs) could negatively impact city budgets that depend on parking tickets, traffic citations, gas taxes, and other auto-related revenue.
    • Driverless Vehicles: Opportunity for Further Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions Under California AB 32

      Hastings Law Journal, 69: 1-27, 2018
      by: Keiichiro Zushi
      This article discusses the impact of autonomous vehicles (AVs) on greenhouse gas emissions and considers policy implications in California.
    • Not If, but When: Autonomous Driving and the Future of Transit

      Journal of Public Transportation, 21(1): 92-103, 2018
      by: Jerome Lutin, AICP
      This article discusses the implications of autonomous driving on transit systems.
    • Cities, Automation, and the Self-parking Elephant in the Room

      Planning and Theory Practice 19(2): 291-297, 2018
      by: Erick Guerra, Eric Morris
      This article explores obstacles that impact autonomous vehicles (AVs) implementation in urban spaces.
    • Assessing the Long-term Effects of Autonomous Vehicles: A Speculative Approach

      Transportation Research Procedia, 13: 18-29, 2016
      by: Wolfgang Gruel, Joseph Stanford
      This article explores how autonomous vehicles (AVs) could affect travel behaviors and the broader transportation system.
    • Developing Policy for Urban Autonomous Vehicles: Impact on Congestion

      Urban Science, 2(2): 1-11, 2018
      by: David Metz
      This article discusses the need for transportation policies that responds to the potential impacts of autonomous vehicles (AVs) on congestion.
    • Are Cities Prepared for Autonomous Vehicles?

      Journal of the American Planning Association, 85(2): 133-151, 2019
      by: Yonah Freemark, Anne Hudson, Jinhua Zhao
      This article examines how municipalities are preparing for the deployment of autonomous vehicles within their jurisdictions by reviewing existing plans and surveying transportation and planning officials.
    • Crafting Inclusive Autonomous Vehicle Policies

      NCSL, 28(15): 1-2, 2020
      by: Doug Shinkle
      This article discusses the need for policy that ensures that autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies equitably include people with disabilities.
    • How Autonomous Vehicles Could Constrain City Budgets

      Governing Magazine, July 2017
      by: Michael Maciag
      This article examines the impacts of autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies on municipalities' revenues.
    • Getting Ready for Driverless Cars

      Zoning Practice — December 2017
      by: Donald Elliott, FAICP       December 01, 2017
      This issue of Zoning Practice discusses basic facts about driverless cars and summarizes how changes in travel behavior associated with fully autonomous vehicles will likely affect local zoning codes over the next 20 to 30 years.
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      ZP subscriber
    • Primed for Deliveries

      Rapidly changing e-commerce trends and technologies mean big changes for land-use and infrastructure planning.
      April 01, 2020
      E-commerce impacts extend far beyond the curb, and freight and deliveries are increasingly commanding the attention of a wider range of planners, government officials, and policy makers.
    • Attention: The Age of Automation Is Right Ahead

      What self-driving cars will mean to drivers and the rest of us.
      May 01, 2015
      This web-exclusive sidebar explores the effects that driverless cars would have on our lives, communities, and transportation systems.
    • Connected

      Promising low costs and high safety, connected vehicles are even closer to reality than AVs. Some are here today.
      May 01, 2018
      Connected vehicles are not autonomous vehicles but they have plenty of implications for planners.
    • Best-Case Scenario Planning

      Incorporating AV and other technology into plans.
      Change and uncertainty — from technology to climate change to shifts in the economy — are disrupting the planning tradition of mid- and long-range forecasts. Scenario planning can be a powerful tool for incorporating uncertainty.
    • The Commissioner — April 2018

      In The Commissioner's April 2018 issue: "Preparing for Autonomous Vehicles," "You and Your Staff," "Zoning in on Housing Diversity," "France's Impact on American Cities," and planning office staff resources.
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      Members & subscribers
    • Q & A

      Planning’s editor in chief, Meghan Stromberg, talks to planners and others who are shaking up the status quo.
      Conversations about three areas of disruption to the transportation status quo: autonomous vehicles/tiny cars, bike sharing, and ride sharing.
    • Here Come The Robot Cars

      Autonomous vehicles will impact the built environment. The time to plan for it is now.
      In the next few years, autonomous vehicles — driverless cars, self-driving cars, and robot cars — will usher in a transformation of our landscape similar to the one brought on by the Model T more than a century ago.
    • The Commissioner — December 2016

      In this PDF of The Commissioner's December 2016 issue: "Credibility, Respect, and Power," "Driverless Vehicles and Your Community," "On Being an Effective — and Satisfied — Planning Commission," "A Safe Passage for Wildlife," and a resource finder on autonomous vehicles.
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    • When Autonomous Cars Take to the Road

      Be ready; it may happen soon.
      May 01, 2015
      Are autonomous cars coming to a road near you? Assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania Erick Guerra explores the technology and says driverless cars might be a reality sooner than you think.
    • Planning for Cars that Drive Themselves

      November 01, 2018
      Planners can't answer all the questions arising around autonomous vehicles, but it’s important we ask and start thinking about them. APA’s PAS Report, Planning for Autonomous Mobility, drives that effort along.

    Showing 1 - 33 of 33