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Inclusive Healthy Places Action Guide for Planners
by: David Morley, AICP April 27, 2023This guide serves as an adaptation and extension of Gehl's Inclusive Healthy Places Framework, focusing on actions planners can take to advance inclusion and health equity in efforts to shape public space. Planners can use this action guide to operationalize the Inclusive Healthy Places Framework through research and analysis, engagement and collaboration, plan and policy making, program design a -
Equity in Zoning Policy Guide
by: American Planning Association February 08, 2023APA's Equity in Zoning Policy Guide positions planners to lead the way on zoning changes at the local, state, and federal level. -
Equitable Development Principles & Scorecard
Updated 2022This guide was designed to facilitate community visioning, project assessment, evaluation, and policy creation. -
Inclusive Healthy Places
2018by: Jennifer Gardner, Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, Larissa BegaultThis guide shares four principles and a healthy places framework that can help communities create conditions that support health. -
Planning and Equity: A Commitment to Change
September 2021This web page provides information about and a link to a pledge that planning directors have made to correct past harms and work to create equitable, inclusive communities. -
Smart Growth and Equity: Improving Racial Equity, Economic Inclusion, and Restorative Justice Through Smart Growth
May 2021This guide is designed to help smart growth advocates lead group discussions about the relationship between smart growth and equity. -
Equality Indicators
2021This interactive map presents measures of equality for six cities, with information about methodology and data sources for communities interested in developing their own indicators. -
Long-Range Planning for Health, Equity & Prosperity: A Primer for Local Governments
December 2019by: Erik CallowayThis guide is designed to help planners promote health equity through long-range planning processes. -
Equitable Development Guidelines
March 2018by: Jocelyn Drummond, Victoria Lawson, Elizabeth DeWolfThis guide aims to make equitable development the industry standard by sharing strategies for the planning process, employment and procurement, designed space, housing, and design standards. -
Municipal Action Guide: Responding to Racial Tension in Your City
2019by: Rita Soler Ossolinski, Ariel Guerrero, Leon AndrewsThis guide outlines how public officials can prepare to respond to incidents of racial tension. -
The CARE Roadmap: 10-Step Plan to Improve Community Environment and Health
2018This guide was developed by the EPA to facilitate community engagement in environment and health planning. -
NALCAB, Guide to Equitable Neighborhood Development
2018by: Paul Joseph Demanche, Carolina Buitrago, Ana EsparzaThis guide explains how to analyze and anticipate neighborhood change to achieve equitable development. -
Advancing Racial Equity in Your City
2017This guide outlines six steps local leaders can follow to improve racial equity. -
Building Climate Equity: Creating a New Approach from the Ground Up
2015by: Sonja Klinsky, David Waskow, Wendi BevinsThis guide discusses equity and climate change at the global scale and shows why it is relevant to local actors. -
A Blueprint for Changemakers: Achieving Health Equity Through Law & Policy
April 2019This guide shares policy strategies for achieving healthier and more equitable communities. -
Advancing Racial Equity and Transforming Government: A Resource Guide to Put Ideas Into Action
September 2015by: Julie Nelson, Lauren Spokane, Lauren RossThis guide discusses six strategies for creating more equitable communities and shares eight case studies from cities and counties across the U.S. -
Racial Equity Toolkit: An Opportunity to Operationalize Equity
December 2016by: Julie Nelson, Lisa BrooksThis guide lays out six steps for building racial equity and includes reflective questions and resources for each one. -
Racial Equity: Getting to Results
July 2017by: Erika BernabeiThis guide shows how governments can advance race equity at the local level through a six-part strategic approach, which includes normalizing, organizing, and operationalizing. -
Equitable Development Principles & Scorecard: Transportation Edition
Summer 2018This guide helps communities ensure that transportation infrastructure improvements benefit everyone. -
Creating Thriving Communities in Colorado: An Equity Action Guide
2018by: Vaishnavi Hariprasad, Sarah Hernandez, Namrita SinghThis guide supports Colorado communities in addressing inequity in housing, transportation, and health. -
Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development
February 2013by: Megan McconvilleThis guide identifies seven strategies for linking smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development. -
Principles and Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment in the USA
NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS-F/SPO-16: May 1994by: The Interorganizational Committee on Guidelines and Principles for Social ImpactThis guide offers an overview of the process of conducting a social impact assessment (SIA). -
Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model
June 2008This guide outlines the seven elements of the Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) Model and describes how it is used to address complex community issues in distressed communities. -
A Local Official's Guide to Immigrant Civic Engagement
2008by: Greg Keidan, Institute for Local GovernmentThis guide identifies the obstacles to immigrant civic participation and lays out ten strategies for encouraging participation in public decision-making. -
Toolkit for Assessing Potential Allegations of Environmental Injustice
November 2004This guide describes the national policy context for environmental justice (EJ), proposes an EJ indicators framework, and outlines a methodology for EJ assessment. -
The Role of Municipal Leaders in Helping Immigrants Become an Integral Part of Colorado's Communities
June 2006by: Susan ThorntonThis guide details how local stakeholders can better engage immigrants in Colorado communities. -
Preserving African American Historic Places
2012by: Brent Leggs, Kerri Rubman, Byrd WoodThis guide belongs to the Historic Preservation and Social Equity collections. -
The Planner’s Playbook: A Community-Centered Approach to Improving Health & Equity
December 2020by: Tina Yuen, Jessica NguyenThis guide is designed to help planners center social equity in their work. -
SB 1000 Implementation Toolkit
October 2017by: Amy Vanderwarker, Carlton Eley, David Early, FAICPThis guide supports California communities in implementing the Planning for Healthy Communities Act, which requires that cities and counties include an environmental justice (EJ) element in comprehensive plans. -
Guide to Equitable, Community-Driven Climate Preparedness Planning
May 2017by: Tina Yuen, Eric Yurkovich, Lauren GrabowskiThis guide belongs to the Climate Change and Social Equity collections. -
BlackSpace Manifesto
2021This manifesto presents 14 broad directives to guide Black planners, architects, artists, activists, and designers in their work to protect and create Black spaces. -
Promoting Opportunity through Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (eTOD): Barriers to Success and Best Practices for Implementation
October 2015by: John Hersey, AICP, Michael SpottsThis guide belongs to the Social Equity and Transit-Oriented Development collections. -
Equitable Development as a Tool to Advance Racial Equity
September 2015by: Ryan Curren, Nora Liu, Dwayne MarshThis report proposes an Equitable Development Framework, shares case studies of projects that have adopted an equitable development approach, and defines what success looks like. -
Advancing Racial Equity in Inclusionary Housing Programs
February 2021by: Stephanie Reyes, Amy KhareThis guide is designed to help planners and local officials design inclusionary housing programs that support racial equity goals. -
New Hampshire Innovative Land Use Planning Techniques: A Handbook for Sustainable Development
October 2008This model belongs to the Active Transportation, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Farmland Protection, Housing Supply Planning, Inclusionary Housing, Residential Infill Development, Scenic View Protection, Social Equity, Transfer of Development Rights, and Transit-Oriented Development collections. -
Keeping the Neighborhood Affordable: A Handbook of Housing Strategies for Gentrifying Areas
2006by: Diane Levy, Jennifer Comey, Sandra PadillaThis guide shares strategies to develop affordable housing, to retain affordable housing, and to build assets. -
Brownfield Redevelopment for Equitable and Resilient Communities
June 2024This guide aids local governments and development partners in brownfield redevelopment that promotes community resiliency and equitable development. -
Toolkit to Integrate Health and Equity Into Comprehensive Plans
by: Sagar Shah, PhD, AICP, Brittany WongThis toolkit will help planners integrate health and equity into their comprehensive plans using APA's Comprehensive Plan Standards. Fifteen comprehensive plans were reviewed to collect the model language on topics of interwoven equity, healthy communities, and authentic participation. -
Planning for Equity Policy Guide
by: American Planning Association June 04, 2019APA's first-ever Planning for Equity Policy Guide identifies policy recommendations for planners to advocate for equity in all aspects of planning at local, state, and federal levels.
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