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    • Preventing the Extinction of Small Farms

      Zoning Practice — December 2024
      by: Sabrina Torres       December 01, 2024
      This issue of Zoning Practice explores zoning techniques that can help prevent the extinction of small farms. By examining successful case studies and innovative policies, it highlights how strategic zoning can foster communities where small farms in rural and peri-urban contexts thrive and contribute to local food security and agricultural heritage.
    • How Planners Can Refocus Their Thinking to Incorporate the Future into Plans

      Acquiring the skills of foresight and futures literacy helps planners to confidently prepare for an uncertain tomorrow.
      by: Patrick Sisson       August 17, 2023
      Acquiring the skills of foresight and futures literacy helps planners to confidently prepare for an uncertain tomorrow.
    • 5 Housing Trends Planners Can Influence Now

      From commercial-to-residential conversions to the rise of coliving, here’s what you should know today for a more equitable tomorrow.
      by: Joseph DeAngelis, AICP       August 10, 2023
      From commercial-to-residential conversions to the rise of coliving, here’s what you should know today for a more equitable tomorrow.
    • A Guide to Community Planning Academies

      PAS Report 605
      by: Donna Carney       August 01, 2023
      Community planning academies offer a model for authentic public engagement, creating an informed and involved constituency of residents who support local planning.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • Robert Goodspeed Plans for Uncertain Futures Using Exploratory Scenario Planning

      On local or global scales, XSP broadens planning tools to bring into view the outside forces that shape planning.
      by: Joseph DeAngelis, AICP       July 27, 2023
      On local or global scales, XSP broadens planning tools to bring into view the outside forces that shape planning.
    • 4 Tools to Empower Data-driven Planning for Climate and Transportation Equity

      Planners can take advantage of the national focus on infrastructure investments to enhance mobility and climate resilience for underserved communities.
      by: Kelly Dunn, David Wasserman, AICP       July 27, 2023
      Planners can take advantage of the national focus on infrastructure investments to enhance mobility and climate resilience for underserved communities.
    • How Cellphone and Fitness App Data is Helping Create Equity in Public Parks

      Park planners harness novel data sources and tools to direct equitable conservation, amenities, and access.
      by: Clement Lau, FAICP       July 20, 2023
      Park planners harness novel data sources and tools to direct equitable conservation, amenities, and access.
    • Why Urban Canopies Are Growing as Key Climate Infrastructure

      To mitigate increased urban heat and air pollution, cities enlist their trees and forests.
      by: Alex Brown       July 13, 2023
      To mitigate increased urban heat and air pollution, cities enlist their trees and forests.
    • Hiding in Plain Sight: Build-to-Rent and Multigenerational Housing

      Zoning Practice — November 2024
      by: Derrick Rhys Wilson       November 01, 2024
      This issue of Zoning Practice explores how development regulations affect opportunities for build-to-rent and multigenerational housing development. It begins with a summary of suburban housing supply challenges before examining the key features of and potential zoning approaches for two emerging types of subtle mixed-residential development.
    • Centering Wellbeing in Community Co-Creation: WIATT and C4C

      PAS Memo 121
      by: Senchel Matthews, Kathryn Reynolds       November 01, 2024
      This edition of PAS Memo introduces the Wellbeing Insights, Assets & Tradeoffs Tool and the Capital for Communities Scorecard, two innovative tools planners can use to harness wellbeing in their community co-creation processes.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • YouTube Influencer Dave Amos Brings Urban Planning to the People

      The planner and professor explains how social media can be an informal classroom, how San Luis Obispo uses Instagram effectively, and how his video about Gary, Indiana, went viral.
      by: Meghan Stromberg       June 22, 2023
      The planner and professor explains how social media can be an informal classroom, how San Luis Obispo uses Instagram effectively, and how his video about Gary, Indiana, went viral.
    • Land-Use Policy Could Help Solve the American West’s Water Crisis

      As the twin pressures of water shortages and massive growth run the Colorado River dry, planners explore innovative solutions.
      by: Patrick Sisson       June 15, 2023
      As the twin pressures of water shortages and massive growth run the Colorado River dry, planners explore innovative solutions.
    • 3 Essential Tips for Planning with Multilingual Communities

      Community engagement experts offer tested approaches that prevent tokenism, create trust, and foster a sense of belonging.
      by: Rebecca Greenwald       June 09, 2023
      Community engagement experts offer tested approaches that prevent tokenism, create trust, and foster a sense of belonging.
    • Planning With Artificial Intelligence

      PAS Report 604
      by: Thomas Sanchez       June 01, 2023
      Artificial intelligence can help planners by enhancing current planning procedures, increasing efficiency, and allowing them to refocus their work on the human components of planning.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • Housing Diversity Encourages Age-Friendly, Accessible Communities

      AARP’s Rodney Harrell talks about aging in place, ADUs, and how zoning reform can help planners provide housing that meets community needs.
      by: Brenna Donegan       June 01, 2023
      AARP’s Rodney Harrell talks about aging in place, ADUs, and how zoning reform can help planners provide housing that meets community needs.
    • Eliminating Map-to-Text Discrepancies

      Zoning Practice — October 2024
      by: Jonah Pellecchia, Melissa Hayashida       October 01, 2024
      What happens when a zoning map doesn't match the zoning text? This issue of Zoning Practice explores the prevalence, political and legal implications, and types of map-to-text discrepancies. It concludes with recommended actions local planners and public officials can take to eliminate this problem.
    • Why We Need Queer Urbanism

      Heteronormative planning structures exclude and can even endanger queer people, especially those who are trans and BIPOC.
      by: Aaron Greiner       May 19, 2023
      Heteronormative planning structures exclude and can even endanger queer people, especially those who are trans and BIPOC.
    • Mayor Victoria Woodards Is Making Tacoma a Place to Come Home To

      How the local leader uses partnerships, missing middle infill, and the Housing Supply Accelerator to put more roofs over more heads.
      by: Lindsay Nieman       May 02, 2023
      How the local leader uses partnerships, missing middle infill, and the Housing Supply Accelerator to put more roofs over more heads.
    • 5 XR Technology Tools That Empower Planners to Connect Vision with Reality

      These surprisingly accessible extended reality applications can help planners upskill as they connect with communities, boost stakeholder buy-in, and better plan for uncertainty.
      by: Sarah Bassett, Andrew Buck, AICP, Nicholas Pilarski       May 01, 2023
      These surprisingly accessible extended reality applications can help planners upskill as they connect with communities, boost stakeholder buy-in, and better plan for uncertainty.
    • Doing Public Participation Better

      Zoning Practice — September 2024
      by: Anika Lemar       September 01, 2024
      This issue of Zoning Practice recounts some key flaws of typical public participation processes and, more importantly, proposes some solutions. Some of the proposals described here can be adopted and implemented by city, town, and county staff and commissioners. Others will require changes to state enabling legislation.
    • Equitable Community Engagement Requires Learning, Self-Reflection, and Transparency

      Five ways planners, engineers, and other allied professionals can establish a long-term, measurable approach to equitable planning.
      by: Jennifer Fierman, AICP, Kristof Devastey, PE, PTOE, PTP, Lindsay Welsch Sveen, PhD       March 23, 2023
      Five ways planners, engineers, and other allied professionals can establish a long-term, measurable approach to equitable planning.
    • Partnerships and Federal Funding Build an Oasis in a Food Desert

      Tulsa Economic Development Corporation and partners leveraged federal grant dollars and made community and equity the core of a new grocery store.
      by: Gary Hamer, AICP       March 16, 2023
      Tulsa Economic Development Corporation and partners leveraged federal grant dollars and made community and equity the core of a new grocery store.
    • 3 Zoning Reform Success Stories that Reignited Downtown Development

      In small and midsize cities, cutting parking minimums and adding by-right development rules catalyze economic development.
      by: Patrick Sisson       March 09, 2023
      In small and midsize cities, cutting parking minimums and adding by-right development rules catalyze economic development.
    • Protecting Zoning Reform Gains

      Zoning Practice — August 2024
      by: Brian Connolly       August 01, 2024
      This issue of Zoning Practice reviews recent legal challenges to state and local zoning reform legislation and offers strategies for planners and their allies who must defend against them. It profiles four specific reform efforts that faced legal challenges, and then offers tips and strategies to help planners implement and defend similar zoning reforms.
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    • A Mural Expert Shares Community Engagement Wins with Planners

      The founder and executive director of Mural Arts Philadelphia highlights the brilliance of local artists and the role of murals in maintaining vibrant neighborhoods.
      by: Meghan Stromberg       March 01, 2023
      The founder and executive director of Mural Arts Philadelphia highlights the brilliance of local artists and the role of murals in maintaining vibrant neighborhoods.
    • Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Planning Profession Is an Evolving Journey

      The Equity in Zoning Policy Guide and Equity in Practice case studies from the American Planning Association help planners move forward on EDI.
      by: Roberta Rewers       February 23, 2023
      The Equity in Zoning Policy Guide and Equity in Practice case studies from the American Planning Association help planners move forward on EDI.
    • 10 Principles for Managing Autonomous Vehicles on City Streets

      Autonomous vehicles spark questions about safety, accessibility, congestion, and even labor practices, but planners can pull ahead in the AV revolution.
      by: Jonathan Barnett, FAICP, Zhongjie Lin       February 17, 2023
      Autonomous vehicles spark questions about safety, accessibility, congestion, and even labor practices, but planners can pull ahead in the AV revolution.
    • A Practical Guide to Updating Local Regulations for Climate Resilience

      Building and zoning codes are a powerful way to advance local climate goals. Try these tactics for proven results.
      by: Bella Purdy, AICP       February 17, 2023
      Building and zoning codes are a powerful way to advance local climate goals. Try these tactics for proven results.
    • 5 Climate Tech Tools to Build Community Resilience

      APA’s Technology Division shares datasets, applications, and visualizers that can inform and improve climate change planning.
      by: Lian Plass, AICP, David Wasserman, AICP       January 23, 2023
      APA’s Technology Division shares datasets, applications, and visualizers that can inform and improve climate change planning.
    • What Is Zoning Reform and Why Do We Need It?

      The case for change, why planners support it, and six zoning reform tactics that could help curb housing costs.
      by: Patrick Sisson       January 18, 2023
      The case for change, why planners support it, and six zoning reform tactics that could help curb housing costs.
    • Advance Environmental Justice Goals with This Innovative Health Data Tool

      The City Health Dashboard could help communities meet Justice40 mandates, win funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and improve health outcomes for all.
      by: Linda McIntyre, AICP       December 12, 2022
      The City Health Dashboard could help communities meet Justice40 mandates, win funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and improve health outcomes for all.
    • Intergenerational Community Planning

      PAS Report 603
      by: Irv Katz, Matthew Kaplan       December 01, 2022
      Intergenerational community planning brings together children and youth and older adults for the mutual benefit of both groups and for the community as a whole.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • On-Demand Microtransit: A Rural Solution to Public Transit?

      How sprawling communities are using the rideshare model to expand bus access and fill in transportation gaps.
      by: Jenni Bergal       November 10, 2022
      How sprawling communities are using the rideshare model to expand bus access and fill in transportation gaps.
    • 4 Data-Driven Tips for Regulating Short-Term Rentals

      STRs like AirBnB can generate local tax revenue — but only if municipalities identify them. Here's how.
      by: Nick Del Pego       November 04, 2022
      STRs like Airbnb can generate local tax revenue — but only if municipalities identify them. Here's how.
    • An Equitable Approach to Zoning Notifications

      Zoning Practice — May 2024
      by: Jenny Baker       May 01, 2024
      This issue of Zoning Practice looks at increasing the equity of public notice practices by expanding upon the Equity in Zoning Policy Guide’s recommendations. It examines key equitable or inequitable aspects of conventional notification practices and highlights potential new methods of notice that may enhance procedural and distributional equity.
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    • Implementation Project Assessment: A New Tool For Implementing Community Plans

      PAS Memo 120
      by: Benjamin Hitchings, FAICP, Philip Berke       May 01, 2024
      This edition of PAS Memo presents the implementation project assessment, a three-step process for identifying the right implementation strategies to advance a community plan in a way that is workable for the sponsor organization and its partners.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • Transform Car-Centric Planning into Pedestrian Streets with AI

      Viral Twitter sensation @betterstreetsai is changing streets — and minds — with DALL-E 2, a new artificial intelligence tool.
      by: Lindsay Nieman       October 17, 2022
      Viral Twitter sensation @betterstreetsai is changing streets — and minds — with DALL-E 2, a new artificial intelligence tool.
    • Planning for Biophilic Cities

      PAS Report 602
      by: James Brown, Helen Santiago Fink       October 01, 2022
      A biophilic city connects the science of biophilia — humans’ innate love of and need for contact with nature — and the practice of planning to create built environments that support physical and mental well-being, ecosystem health, and economic sustainability.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • Hurricane Recovery Fails the Financially Vulnerable

      Based on a decade of data from Hurricane Sandy, two New York City planners explore the inequities of disaster mitigation and recovery — and what needs to change to prevent climate gentrification.
      by: Donovan Finn, PhD, Thaddeus Pawlowski       September 30, 2022
      Based on a decade of data from Hurricane Sandy, two New York City planners explore the inequities of disaster mitigation and recovery — and what needs to change to prevent climate gentrification.
    • Zoning Reform Creates New Model for Smart Growth in Walla Walla, Washington

      How the rural city eliminated single-family-only zoning, legalized ADUs, and relaxed parking minimums to promote housing diversity.
      by: Patrick Sisson       September 21, 2022
      The rural city eliminated single-family-only zoning, legalized ADUs, and relaxed parking minimums to promote housing diversity. Here's how planners helped get it done.
    • Launch an Ethical Ag-Tech Program with These 6 Tips

      Controlled-environment agriculture can support local food systems, prioritize equity, and build trust.
      by: Michelle McCue       September 20, 2022
      Controlled-environment agriculture can support sustainable food systems, prioritize equity, and build trust.
    • Equitable Zoning for Manufactured Housing

      Zoning Practice — April 2024
      by: George Frantz, AICP       April 01, 2024
      This issue of Zoning Practice examines the persistent inequitable treatment of manufactured housing in many local zoning codes and offers considerations for code updates. It begins with brief summaries of the important role manufactured housing plays in supporting housing choice and affordability and includes findings from a five-state analysis of zoning regulations for manufactured housing.
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    • Transportation Strategist Naomi Doerner Navigates Mobility Justice

      How the country's first transportation equity manager is building a framework to protect the fair and safe movement of people of color.
      by: Sophia Burns       August 31, 2022
      How the country's first transportation equity manager is building a framework to protect the fair and safe movement of people of color.
    • Boise Increases Affordable Housing Stock through Zoning Reform

      As remote workers exacerbate an existing housing shortage, the city makes room for ADUs, manufactured homes, and sweeping zoning changes.
      by: Erika Bolstad       August 29, 2022
      As remote workers exacerbate an existing housing shortage, the city makes room for ADUs, manufactured homes, and sweeping zoning changes.
    • Fast-Growing Vegas Races Toward Energy Efficiency

      An unexpected leader in climate innovation, the desert city takes a full-spectrum approach to fortifying water and energy sources.
      by: Marco Velotta, AICP       August 29, 2022
      An unexpected leader in climate innovation, the desert city takes a full-spectrum approach to fortifying water and energy sources.
    • The New Rules of Urban Reforestation

      How ReLeaf Cedar Rapids is rebuilding an urban canopy from scratch after a weather disaster with a focus on data and environmental justice.
      by: Patrick Alvord       August 15, 2022
      How ReLeaf Cedar Rapids is rebuilding an urban canopy from scratch after a weather disaster with a focus on data and environmental justice.
    • Battery Energy Storage Systems

      Zoning Practice — March 2024
      by: Brian Ross, AICP, Monika Vadali       March 01, 2024
      This issue of Zoning Practice explores how stationary battery storage fits into local land-use plans and zoning regulations. It briefly summarizes the market forces and land-use issues associated with BESS development, analyzes existing regulations for these systems, and offers guidance for new regulations rooted in sound planning principles.
    • From Brownfield to Green Space

      Wausau, Wisconsin, combined state, federal, and local funding to create a vital new riverfront.
      by: Meghan Stromberg       July 31, 2022
      Wausau, Wisconsin, combined state, federal, and local funding to create a vital new riverfront.
    • 5 Essential Tips for Repealing Parking Minimums

      Lessons from Sandpoint, Idaho, the small town that embraced zoning reform to boost economic development and housing production.
      by: Meghan Stromberg       July 31, 2022
      Lessons from Sandpoint, Idaho, the small town that eliminated downtown parking minimums in 2009 to boost economic development and housing production.
    • Ag-Tech Could Help Solve Food Insecurity and Supply Chain Issues

      As climate change threatens traditional farming, venture capitalists and communities alike are investing in digital urban agriculture for more localized, all-season food growth.
      by: Michelle McCue       July 18, 2022
      As climate change threatens traditional farming, venture capitalists and communities alike are investing in digital urban agriculture for more localized, all-season food growth.

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