March 3, 2025
Wait, Who Approves Large-Scale Solar Siting?
Determining which agency ultimately has the authority to approve the siting of a new large-scale solar facility can be complicated. About half of all states have have established explicit limits on local siting authority, offer certain developers a way to bypass that authority, or maintain a parallel siting process. -
October 21, 2024
Warren, Rhode Island, Planning Ahead For Rising Sea Levels
One of the smallest towns in the smallest state is set to get smaller with climate change, and planners in Warren, Rhode Island, are working on a managed retreat to prepare for it. -
February 2, 2024
Now Is the Time to Plan for Our Solar-Powered Future
Solar energy is on its way to being the dominant source of power, but a smooth transition isn't guaranteed. Check out the new third edition of the Solar@Scale guidebook for fresh guidance on planning for utility- and community-scale solar development. -
May 2, 2023
Planning for Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change
As stewards of the urban ecosystem, planners can integrate habitat preservation and wildlife movement in an urban environment. A proposed Wildlife Ordinance in the City of Los Angeles aims to protect wildlife habitat and connectivity in its most ecologically significant areas. -
April 25, 2023
When It Comes to Large-Scale Solar, Show, Don't (Just) Tell
There's no substitute for a good visualization when it comes to demystifying large-scale solar development. -
March 6, 2023
Plan Now to Overcome Reflexive Opposition to Large-Scale Solar
Reflexive opposition to large-scale solar projects is on the rise in many parts of the country. Start planning now to avoid the reactive trap. -
January 24, 2023
Updated Large-Scale Solar Guidance from Solar@Scale
Is your community ready to have a conversation about large-scale solar development? Check out the new second edition of the Solar@Scale guidebook for a comprehensive discussion of local policies and actions that can affect the siting and design of community- and utility-scale solar facilities. -
August 9, 2022
Visual Guide to Agrivoltaics and Wildlife-Friendly Solar
Agrivoltaics — or the placement of a solar energy system on the same parcel of land as agricultural production — and wildlife-friendly solar practices can help communities capture multiple benefits from large-scale solar development. -
June 3, 2022
It’s Not Necessarily Solar vs. Agriculture
The topic of large-scale solar development in rural communities doesn't have to be controversial. Learn how local officials and developers can work together to clear up the misconception that these two land uses cannot co-exist. -
November 1, 2021
Solar@Scale: Opportunities for Planners to Act
A new guidebook from APA and ICMA highlights key opportunities for planners to help speed the decarbonization of the U.S. electricity grid by promoting context-sensitive large-scale solar development in the communities they serve. -
July 9, 2021
Combating Climate Change Through Vacant Lot Restoration
A success story of how vacant lots in Philadelphia were transformed into climate-resilient pollinator gardens to combat climate change. -
April 28, 2021
Transforming Boston's Moakley Park to Equitably Address Climate Change
Moakley Park Resiliency Plan creates a modern 21st century community park to address climate change needs and prioritizes social, cultural, economic, and environmental equity. -
January 14, 2021
Greenspace Resilience in the Wake of Disasters
Uncovering JAPA: Get recommendations for integrating proactive and resilient greenspace improvements into disaster recovery planning. -
December 21, 2020
Exploring Gaps in Guidance for Large-Scale Solar Development
The Solar@Scale team recently analyzed the existing literature on planning and zoning for large-scale solar development and identified some significant gaps. -
December 18, 2020
Do Planners Know Plan Integration Can Improve Local Resilience?
APA developed a survey and conducted a series of interviews in an attempt to uncover how planners think about plan integration, and what relationship local plan integration efforts may have with building community resilience. -
October 14, 2020
Solar@Scale: Improving the Local Rules for Large-Scale Solar
APA has partnered with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) on Solar@Scale, a new U.S. Department of Energy-funded project to help realize the potential benefits of large-scale solar development for cities, counties, and special districts. -
October 8, 2020
When It’s Right to Rightsize
Uncovering JAPA: The Flint water crisis shows when it's right to rightsize. -
August 13, 2020
Polycentric Development and the Future of Regions
Uncovering JAPA: If employed correctly, polycentric development can promote sustainable growth — allowing regions to thrive economically while preserving the environment. -
July 23, 2020
Planning for Climate Change, Planning for Communities
Uncovering JAPA: Can large-scale climate action coexist with community-based planning? One JAPA author says they can and they must. -
July 9, 2020
7 Ways to Plan a Stronger Climate Change Response
Uncovering JAPA: Current climate action plans are insufficient for the mounting climate crisis. Get seven principles to help bolster and fill the gaps in these plans. -
July 8, 2020
Congress Looks to Planning as a Climate Crisis Solution
A new congressional climate action plan positions planning as one solution to tackling climate change. APA supported the creation of the plan by contributing ideas for how federal climate policy can set the context for effective local and regional plans. -
June 18, 2020
When Climate Resiliency Is More Than an Afterthought
Uncovering JAPA: Affordable housing and resiliency must coexist. How can low-income households weather the storm? -
June 11, 2020
Sustainability Plans Can Be More Than Just Talk
Uncovering JAPA: Investing in a sustainability plan means investing in the future. -
June 4, 2020
A Simple Path to Sustainable Transportation
Uncovering JAPA: Shared autonomous vehicles will be part of the future, but do we need them to achieve sustainable transportation? -
May 28, 2020
Covenants, Codes, Restrictions, and Your Own Backyard
Uncovering JAPA: Explore the language of covenants, codes, and restrictions to learn the role homeowner associations play in regulating the aesthetic and ecological functions of yards. -
April 16, 2020
Simplifying Coastal Planning for Small Cities
Uncovering JAPA: How can small coastal cities plan for climate uncertainty? -
April 2, 2020
Changing Climate Calls for Changing the Built Environment
Uncovering JAPA: Building water-efficient cities might let us stick to the rivers and lakes that we’re used to. -
March 19, 2020
Regional Planning Can Help With Environmental Impacts of Warehouses
Uncovering JAPA: How can planning help regulate the disproportionate concentration of e-commerce-related warehouse facilities in greenfield sites? -
January 9, 2020
Proposed NEPA Changes Costly, Threaten Community Safety
In response to the proposed overhaul of NEPA regulations, the American Planning Association (APA) and Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) urge the Trump administration to not abandon review of development and infrastructure projects. -
August 22, 2019
No Eyes on the Street: City Officials and the Future of AVs
Uncovering JAPA: Cities have only dipped their toes in the water when it comes to regulating autonomous vehicles and their technology. -
October 4, 2018
Congressional Funding Could Affect Your Local Park
Funding for our parks, green spaces, and the National Park Service are on Congress's agenda. APA is calling on planning advocates to ensure these vital spaces and sources of funding will be protected. -
July 19, 2018
Planning Resilient Urban Forests with i-Tree Landscape
i-Tree Landscape is a free geographic tool that uses tree information to aid local and regional planning for more resilient communities. -
April 6, 2018
Green Schoolyards for Healthy Communities
What if every schoolyard was a green schoolyard? Multifunctional schoolyards can ensure kids' healthy mental, physical, cognitive, and social development. -
February 7, 2018
Climate Adaptation: Climbing the Mountain Amid a Landslide
A new report assesses the current state of the climate adaptation field. Planner and author Jim Schawb says planners can bring their skills to the table and make a difference. -
January 16, 2018
Living on the Edge: Get to Know Your Wildland-Urban Interface
One-third of the U.S. population lives in the wildland-urban interface (WUI). It's important for planners to consider the WUI during the community planning process due to its direct link to potential wildfire disasters. -
December 7, 2017
Planning in Uncertain Times and a New Agenda for the Future
To achieve greater social cohesion, inclusion, and safety in a society where the needs of all citizens are met, the approach needs to be comprehensive and have wide citizen support. Planning is the vehicle through which much of this vision can be achieved. -
October 23, 2017
Get New Megaregional Planning Resources
Get resources on megaregional planning from APA and the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology. -
September 14, 2017
Revitalizing Smaller Legacy Cities, From Gary to Lowell
How can smaller legacy cities revitalize? A new report from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Greater Ohio Policy Center recommends eight strategies. -
August 29, 2017
Tackle the Data Tsunami with APA Water Planning Network Tools
American Planning Association's Interest Group — the Water and Planning Network — provides periodic updates on current research, leading practices, and tools related to planning for water. -
February 23, 2017
Research Shows Changing Urban-Suburban Real Estate Preferences
The preferences of real estate investors have changed from suburban to urban over the past six years. -
January 19, 2017
Michigan Joins Small Number of States With Self-Driving Car Laws
New state laws allowing for the testing of autonomous vehicles look ahead to the possibilities of the technology and the role of planning. -
September 29, 2016
How DO Planners Deal with Local Fracking?
A Summer 2016 JAPA article looks at how planners are dealing with the dangers and problems created by local fracking. -
September 12, 2016
Smart City Challenge Winner Readies for Implementation
APA member Kathleen McMahon, AICP, goes behind the scenes with the City of Columbus, Ohio, to find out what's next for the Smart City Challenge winner. -
September 8, 2016
Can You Sue the Government for Climate Change Impacts?
Well, a lot depends on circumstances, and environmental law is seldom a simple thing. But the answer, according to Jon Kusler, a veteran in this field, may increasingly be yes. -
July 26, 2016
Beacon Hill’s Enchanted Food Forest
Sandy Pernitz, the Seattle city staff person who works directly with the Beacon Food Forest, tells the tale of how the community rallied around an innovative project in food systems planning. -
July 22, 2016
Using Green Coastal Infrastructure to Address Resilience
Nicole Faghin, LEED AP, a coastal management specialist at Washington Sea Grant, writes about the Green Shores for Homes project. -
July 19, 2016
Announcing Planning Oregon, an Initiative for Statewide Future Planning
Faculty members at Portland State University explain Planning Oregon, an initiative to establish the school as a focal point of research and innovative practices for the statewide land-use planning program. -
July 15, 2016
Chicago's Pullman Neighborhood Ventures into a Greener Industrial Age
Chicago's Pullman neighborhood is turning a new leaf with green rooftops from New York's Gotham Greens. -
July 14, 2016
Play 'Solar Powering Sunnyside' to Sharpen Your Solar Skills
A new land-use planning exercise can help communities start a conversation about local solar energy use. -
June 28, 2016
Washington Planners Are Rising to Meet Global Challenges
Big Ideas for Washington’s Future has produced a website and a variety of models for practicing planners, education programs for the public and elected officials, and partnerships with other organizations covering diverse topics
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