Asheville, NC, Resolution No. 13-17: Resolution Establishing the City of Asheville's Food Action Plan in Support of the Asheville Buncombe Food Policy Agenda
2013This city council resolution approves a list of food policy goals and actions developed by the local Food Policy Council. -
San Francisco, CA, Executive Directive 09-03: Healthy and Sustainable Food for San Francisco
2009This mayoral directive creates a food policy council and tasks city departments with specific actions to help promote food access. -
Detroit, MI, Master Plan of Policies
2009This compendium of standalone policies include recommendations that support community gardens and urban farms. -
San Francisco, CA, Community Garden Policy
Adopted April 2006This standalone policy addresses community gardens in San Francisco, CA. -
Philadelphia, PA, Land Bank’s Acquisition and Disposition Policies
Updated January 2020These standalone policies support community gardens in Philadelphia, PA, and govern the majority of transactions involving publicly-owned property. -
Vancouver, BC, Park Board Urban Agriculture Policy
2015This standalone policy addresses urban agriculture. -
Victoria, BC, Community Gardens Policy
2016This standalone policy offers a statement of support for community gardening. -
Chula Vista, CA, Community Gardens Policy
Policy Number 2010-043, Adopted February 2010This standalone policy provides to the city manager the authority and guidance to implement and approve the use of city-owned vacant land not including parks to establish community gardens. -
Saanich, BC, Community Gardens Policy
Policy 03/CW, March 2003This standalone policy addresses urban agriculture. -
Schaumburg, IL, Policy Manual
2017The village's policy manual includes a policy statement establishing a community bee garden on village-owned land. -
Seattle, WA, Resolution 31019: Local Food Action Initiative
2008This city council resolution lists 10 goals to provide guidance for analysis and development of the region’s food system. -
Larimer County, CO, A Right to Farm and Ranch Policy
BCC Policy #18A, Adopted September 1998This standalone policy protects farms and ranches from nuisance complaints as long as they are compliant with county regulations.
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