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Creative Placemaking Has an Outcomes Problem
June 2014by: Ian MossThis blog post proposes that there are gaps in measuring outcomes related to creative placemaking projects. -
Creative Placemaking: What it is and Why It’s Important for Communities
October 2014by: Aidan Flax-ClarkThis blog post examines the history of creative placemaking. -
How Art, Culture, and Community Drove Transit Oriented Development in Santa Fe
September 2011by: Michael SemanThis blog post discusses the history of creative placemaking at The Railyards, a transit oriented development in Santa Fe, NM, that supports several arts and culture initiatives -
How Design Thinking Transformed a Neighborhood’s Creative Placemaking Strategy
April 2017by: Sarah Corlett, Caitlin BehleThis blog post explores how creative placemaking keeps resident perspectives at the forefront of creative placemaking strategies. -
The Question All Creative Placemakers Should Ask
2012by: Neeraj MehtaThis blog post explores the relationship between creative placemaking and equity. -
Creative Placemaking (NEA)
n.d.This web page introduces concepts and provides resources related to creative placemaking. -
Creative Placemaking Toolkit
n.d.This web page contains multiple resources related to creative placemaking.Indiana -
Asian Arts Initiative
n.d.This web page provides various examples of creative placemaking through the Asian Arts Initiative in Philadelphia.Philadelphia city, PA -
Cultural Renewals: The Power of Creative Placemaking
October 2014This video discusses impacts, challenges and benefits of creative placemaking in communities. -
Fundamentals of Arts Management
2016by: Tom BorrupA chapter of this book, titled “Creative Placemaking: Arts and Culture as a Partner in Community Revitalization”, focuses on key principles, best practices, and challenges related to creative placemaking. -
Creativity and Neighborhood Development Strategies for Community Investment
December 2007by: Jeremy NowakThis report explores the relationship between the arts and neighborhood development. -
A Vibrant Transformation: Cities and States Take Creative Placemaking to New Heights
NEA Arts Magazine, Number 3, 2012by: Michael GallantThis article identifies creative placemaking as a strategy to activate communities. -
Our Town: Supporting the Arts in Communities Across America
Community Development Investment Review, Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2014by: Jane Chu, Jason SchupbachThis article presents information on projects funded through the Our Town grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), an agency that supports arts-based community development. -
Creative Placemaking: How to Do It Well
Community Development Investment Review, Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2014by: Ann Markusen, Anne NicodemusThis article focuses on strategies to engage in quality creative placemaking initiatives. -
Arts and Culture in Detroit: Central to Our Past and Our Future
Community Development Investment Review, Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2014by: Rip RapsonThis article discusses how Detroit has supported the city's cultural ecology, including the use of creative placemaking to create more vibrant places.Detroit city, MI -
Creative Placemaking in Community Planning and Development: An Introduction to ArtPlace America
Community Development Investment Review, Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2014by: Jamie BennettThis article introduces creative placemaking using historic context and provides examples of projects that exemplify how creative placemaking can impact a community. -
Arts for the City: Community Arts and Affordability Innovations in San Francisco
Community Development Investment Review, Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2014by: Edwin Lee, Tom DeCaignyThis article explores public and private partnerships in San Francisco that promote creative placemaking and equitable urban development.San Francisco, CA -
Bloomington, IN, Environmental Resource Inventory
November 2003by: City of Bloomington Planning DeptThis report identifies environmental features and areas in Bloomington, Indiana, that require protection.Bloomington, IN -
Impacts of Transit Oriented Development on Public Transportation Ridership
NCTR-576-10, 2005by: Sara Jane Hendricks, AICP, Phil Winters, Francis WambalabaThis report reviews the literature on the effects of urban form on transit ridership and proposes a research design to study the effects of transit-oriented development (TOD) on ridership over time. -
Building Support for Transit-Oriented Development: Do Community Engagement Toolkits Work?
2009by: Erin Machell, Troy Reinhalter, Karen ChappleThis report evaluates the efficacy of common community engagement tools that planners use to build support for transit-oriented development (TOD). -
Building Transit Oriented Development in Established Communities
NCTR-473-135, 2002by: Sara Jane Hendricks, AICP, Julie GoodwillThis report discusses how older automobile-oriented communities have taken steps to promote transit-oriented development (TOD). -
Is a Half-Mile Circle the Right Standard for TODs?
Access, Spring 2013by: Erick Guerra, Robert CerveroThis article summarizes the evidence for using one-half mile as a standard catchment area for transit-oriented development (TOD). -
Effect of Suburban Transit Oriented Developments on Property Values
MTI Report 08-07, 2009by: Shishir Mathur, Christopher FerrellThis report looks at how four transit-oriented development (TOD) projects affected property values in the San Francisco Bay area. -
Histories of Transit-Oriented Development: Perspectives on the Development of the TOD Concept
IURD WP-2009-02, 2009by: Ian CarltonThis report examines the history of the concept of transit-oriented development (TOD). -
Bus Transit Oriented Development: Strengths and Challenges Relative to Rail
Journal of Public Transportation, 9(4): 1–21, 2006by: Graham CurrieThis article examines the efficacy of bus rapid transit and suburban bus service for facilitating transit-oriented development (TOD). -
Smart Growth and Transit-Oriented Development at the State Level: Lessons from California, New Jersey, and Western Australia
Journal of Public Transportation, 11(3): 77-108, 2008by: John Renne, AICPThis article examines the importance of state support for transit-oriented development (TOD). -
Model Regulations and Plan Amendments for Multimodal Transportation Districts
2004by: Kristine Williams, AICP, Karen Seggerman, AICPThis document provides model comprehensive plan language and development regulations to help cities and counties in Florida support transit-oriented development (TOD).Florida -
Kutztown, PA, Municipal Code
2017by: Borough of Kutztown, PAThe borough's zoning code permits accessory solar energy systems in all district subject to standards; its subdivision code supports solar access considerations and design.Kutztown borough, PA -
Laurel, MD, Unified Land Development Code
2018by: City of Laurel, MDThe city's zoning ordinance permits solar energy collection panels as accessory uses in all zones and requires site plan and special exception approval for commercial systems.Laurel, MD -
Municipal Guide to Planning for and Regulating Alternative Energy Systems
2010This guidebook includes model zoning provisions and commentary for both accessory and primary-use solar energy systems.Lancaster County, PA -
Lunenburg, MA, Protective Bylaw
Amended May 2012by:The town's bylaw permits small-scale solar energy systems by right in all districts subject to standards and large-scale systems are permitted by right in the Solar Overlay District and with special permit approval in all other districts.Lunenburg town, MA -
Lindsborg, KS, City Code
2017by: City of Lindsborg, KSThe city's subdivision regulations encourage solar orientation and allow for solar skyspace easements.Lindsborg, KS -
Livingston, CA, 2025 General Plan
Adopted October 2008by:The Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation chapter of this general plan includes policies that address solar energy use.Livingston, CA -
Mapleton, UT, Municipal Code
2017by: City of Mapleton, UTThe city's zoning regulations allow roof-mounted accessory solar energy systems in all districts subject to standards; any solar easements must be privately enforced.Mapleton, UT -
London Grove Township, PA, Township Code
2017by: Township of London GroveThis ordinance permits accessory rooftop and freestanding solar energy systems by right in all zoning districts.London Grove township, PA -
Lewes, DE, Municipal Code
2014by: City of Lewes, DEThe city's historic district requirements support the installation of solar panels on structures within the district.Lewes, DE -
Meriden, CT, Municipal Code
2016by: City of Meriden, CTThe city's zoning code provides supplementary regulations for solar devices, and the city offers tax incentives for solar energy system installation.Meriden, CT -
McCall, ID, City Code
2017by: City of McCall, IDThe city's zoning code incentivizes solar use in PUDs with a 10% density bonus; its subdivision ordinance recommends solar street orientation.McCall, ID -
Mitchell, SD, City Code
2017by:The city's zoning code permits ground- and roof-mounted solar energy systems in all districts with a building permit.Mitchell, SD -
Scenic Easements & View Protection
n.d.This web page discusses the role of scenic conservation easements in protecting scenic resources. -
Scenic Corridor Overlay Zoning
2006This fact sheet describes methods municipalities can implement to protect scenic corridors.New Jersey -
The Roadscape Guide: Tools to Preserve Scenic Road Corridors
2012This guide provides guidance related to protecting roadscapes and scenic resources. -
Oregon Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines
Oregon Administrative Rules, §660-015-0000by: State of OregonOregon’s statewide planning goals and guidelines include provisions to conserve scenic and environmental areas.Oregon -
The Legal Landscape: Guidelines for Regulating Environmental and Aesthetic Quality
1993by: Richard Smardon, James CarpChapter 8 of this book describes how overlays can be used to view protect views along transportation corridors. -
Washington Shoreline Management Act of 1971
Revised Code of Washington Chapter §90.58, 2017by: State of WashingtonWashington’s Shoreline Management Act protects views by implementing height limitations near shorelines of statewide significance.Washington -
Wisconsin Towns Statutes
Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations, §60.64, 2018by: State of WisconsinWisconsin’s planning enabling statute allows towns to regulate places with aesthetic interest through historic preservation.Wisconsin -
Approaches to Viewshed Protection Around the Country
Preservation Law Educational Materials, 2009This report highlights view protection approaches for historic and scenic resources in urban areas. -
Assessing and Mitigating Visual Impacts
July 2000by:This report reviews components of visual impacts in sensitive lands and aims to educate decisionmakers in New York on how to review projects that may have adverse impacts on viewsheds.New York -
Centerville to Yorkshire 115 kV Transmission Line Visual Resource Assessment
June 2008This report reviews potential visual impacts of developing proposed transmission line to a wind park.New York -
Conserving Significant Cultural Landscapes: Protecting the Piscataway and Accokeek Historic Communities and the Mount Vernon Viewshed
March 2013This report analyzes conditions and provides recommendations for the Mount Vernon Viewshed Area of Primary Concern in Prince George’s and Charles Counties, MD.Prince George's County, MD