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Sammamish, WA, Comprehensive Plan
Adopted October 2015The city's comprehensive plan includes policy recommendations that support solar energy use.Sammamish, WA -
Turning Around Downtown: Twelve Steps to Revitalization
March 2005by: Christopher LeinbergerThis report summarizes noteworthy downtown revitalization efforts from communities across the country. -
Downtowns: 10 Strategies to Ensure Their Resilience and Vitality
Public Management, April 2015by: Michael BurayidiThis brief article offers pointed advice on factors that have successfully leveraged downtown vibrancy. -
Ten Steps to a Living Downtown
October 1999by: Jennifer MoultonThis guide provides 10 recommendations for downtown revitalization efforts. -
How Small Towns and Cities Can Use Local Assets to Rebuild Their Economies
May 2015This report uses case studies from seven small to mid-sized cities to illustrate revitalization tactics. -
Bringing Downtown Back: Ways to Boost Infill Development in the San Joaquin Valley
2014This report addresses the key barriers to and recommended solutions for downtown revitalization efforts in the San Joaquin Valley region of California. -
Downtown Redevelopment Strategies in the United States: An End-of-the-Century Assessment
Journal of the American Planning Association, 61(4): 429–437, 1995by: Kent RobertsonThis article describes and evaluates seven commonly used planning strategies for downtown redevelopment. -
The Successful Few: Healthy Downtowns of Small Metropolitan Regions
Journal of the American Planning Association, 70(3): 328–343, 2004by: Trudi Bunting, Pierre Filion, Heidi HoernigThis article discusses the factors that contribute to successful downtowns in small metropolitan areas. -
Rural Downtown Development: Guiding Principles for Small Cities
Rural Research Report, Spring 2006by: Kent RobertsonThis article offers five core principles of downtown development in small, rural cities. -
Supporting Entrepreneurship Downtown
Downtown Economics, May 2009by: Greg Wise, Todd BarmanThis short article offers recommendations to help communities support small business development downtown. -
Cool Economic Development Tools
Main Street Now, November/December 2010by: Kennedy SmithThis article highlights promising economic development strategies for Main Street programs. -
Ten Realistic Retail Themes for a Vibrant Downtown
Downtown Idea Exchange, June 15, 2008by: Bill RyanThis article describes 10 types of retail establishments that thrive in downtown locations. -
Branding for Downtown Success
Downtown Economics, June 2009by: Dale ErlandsonThis short article offers recommendations for downtown branding efforts. -
Seattle, WA, Parklet Handbook
2017This guide provides an overview of the process of creating a parklet in Seattle.Seattle, WA -
Olde Schaumburg Centre Design Guidelines
August 2005This design manual specifies that solar roof panels should be installed along rear rooflines to minimize visual impacts.Schaumburg, IL -
Creating Change through Arts, Culture, and Equitable Development: A Policy and Practice Primer
March 2017by: Kalima Rose, Milly Daniel, Jeremy LiuThis report highlights the importance of connecting equitable development and community-centered arts and culture to build inclusive communities. -
Employment in Small City Downtowns
Downtown Economics, October 2011by: Bill Ryan, Jangik JinThis short article summarizes the reasons for focusing downtown economic development efforts on job creation and retainment. -
Downtown Redevelopment Efforts in Selected Midwest Cities
Let’s Talk Business, June 2006by: Meaghan LeaheyThis short article profiles downtown redevelopment efforts in eight mid-sized Midwestern cities. -
Exploring Urban Retailing and CBD Revitalization Strategies
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(1): 7–23, 2009by: Charlette Padilla, Mary Ann EastlickThis article profiles retail marketing and economic development efforts in six mid-sized and larger U.S. cities with flourishing or emerging downtowns. -
The Main Street Approach to Downtown Development: An Examination of the Four-Point Program
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 21(1): 55–73, 2004by: Kent RobertsonThis article presents the findings of research into the efficacy of the Main Street program in communities across the country. -
Downtown Development Strategies in Illinois: Assessing the Priorities of Municipal Leaders in Illinois
Illinois Municipal Policy Journal, 2(1): 69–84, 2017by: Norman Walzer, Mim Evans, Michael AquinoThis article describes and evaluates downtown economic development efforts in Illinois. -
Downtown in the “New” American City
ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 626: 134–153, 2009by: Eugenie Birch, FAICPThis article discusses how the land uses and activities in big city downtowns have changed over the past 50 years. -
The Entertainment Zone: Unplanned Nightlife and the Revitalization of the American Downtown
Journal of Urban Design, 13(3): 291–315, 2008by: Daniel Campo, Brent RyanThis article discusses the organic development of entertainment districts in and near downtowns. -
How Small Downtowns Grow: Lessons from Elmhurst, Naperville, and Normal
Illinois Municipal Policy Journal, 2(1): 17–34, 2017by: Steven Wilson, AICPThis article profiles downtown planning and economic development efforts in three mid-sized cities in Illinois. -
Five Keys to Downtown Success
Downtown Economics, December 2015by: Gary BeckerThis short article summarizes five factors that influence the success of smaller downtowns. -
Organizing a Successful Downtown Revitalization Program Using the Main Street Approach
2008This guide is designed to help communities in Washington apply the National Trust's Main Street Program to revitalize their downtowns.Washington -
Welcome Back Downtown: A Guide to Revitalizing Pennsylvania’s Small Downtowns
2002by: Tracey Farrigan, Martin ShieldsThis guide is designed to help municipalities in Pennsylvania plan for downtown revitalization.Pennsylvania -
Downtown and Business District Market Analysis
June 2011by: Mary VitcendaThis guide is designed to help planners and local officials analyze local market conditions and identify businesses that might be a good fit for their downtowns. -
An Analysis of Downtown Storefront Improvements
October 2014by: Amy Greil, Joe Lawniczak, Bill RyanThis report provides case studies of 24 specific downtown storefront improvements efforts in Wisconsin over a 15-year period. -
Rethinking the Politics of Downtown Development
Journal of Urban Affairs, 30(1): 37–61, 2008by: Elizabeth StromThis article discusses power shifts among downtown stakeholders over the past several decades. -
Bentonville, AR, SE Downtown Area Plan
Adopted January 2014This downtown plan establishes a vision for pedestrian-oriented downtown redevelopment.Bentonville, AR -
Fort Kent, ME, Downtown Revitalization Plan
Adopted February 2015This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments for a small town on the Canadian border.Fort Kent town, ME -
Palm Desert, CA, University Neighborhood Specific Plan
Adopted January 2017This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development in a way that ensures that new developments in the University neighborhood are compatible with and contributes to the surrounding areas of Palm Desert. -
Benicia, CA, Downtown Mixed Use Master Plan
Adopted September 2007This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development in a way that ensures that new developments are compatible with and contributes the downtown Benicia character. -
Soledad, CA, Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted October 2012This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development in a way that ensures that new developments are compatible with and contributes to downtown Soledad’s character. -
Ventura, CA, Downtown Specific Plan
Adopted March 2007This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development in a way that ensures that new developments are compatible with and contributes to downtown Ventura’s character. -
Portland, ME, India Street Neighborhood Plan
Adopted November 2015This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development in a way that ensures that new developments are compatible with and contributes to India Street Neighborhood’s character. -
Petaluma, CA, Petaluma Station Smart Area Master Plan
Adopted July 2013This subarea plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide development in a way that ensures that new developments are compatible with and contributes to Central Petaluma’s character. -
Arlington County, VA, Columbia Pike Form Based Codes
Updated October 2016The county’s zoning regulations include two standalone mapped optional form-based codes designed to guide redevelopment along the Columbia Pike corridor and its neighborhoods. -
Azusa, CA, Municipal Code
Updated June 2018The city’s zoning code includes a mapped mandatory form-based standard and guidelines for the city’s zoning areas. -
Billings, MT, Code of Ordinances
Updated September 2018The city’s zoning code includes a mapped mandatory form-based zoning district. -
Bradenton, FL, Form-Based Code
Updated February 2016The city’s zoning code is a mapped mandatory form-based code. -
Cincinnati, OH, Code of Ordinances
Updated July 2018The city’s zoning code includes mapped optional form-based zoning districts. -
City of Rowlett Form-Based Code
Adopted March 2016The city’s zoning code is a mapped mandatory form-based code. -
Fort Worth, TX, Near Southside Development Standards and Guidelines
Adopted February 2016The city’s development standards and guidelines for its Near Southside District uses a form-based code approach. -
Hamden, CT, Zoning Regulations
Adopted July 2017The town’s zoning code is a mapped mandatory form-based code. -
Lacey, WA, Municipal Code
Updated November 2018The city’s zoning code includes a mapped mandatory hybrid form-based zoning district. -
Leander, TX, SmartCode
Adopted July 2014The city’s zoning code includes a mapped mandatory form-based code. -
Village of Hempstead
Updated February 2018The village’s zoning code includes a mapped mandatory form-based overlay zone. -
Bothell, WA, Downtown Subarea Plan and Regulations
Updated January 2018This downtown plan details a comprehensive strategy to guide downtown development and public investments and includes development regulations to help implement recommendations.