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    • 4 Zoning Changes That Boost Local Food Security

      Zoning reform isn't only about housing. Municipalities can help increase food access with a few tweaks to local land-use law.
      by: Gina Hervey       August 05, 2021
      Zoning reform isn't only about housing. Municipalities can help increase food access with a few tweaks to local land-use law.
    • 8 Ways to Launch Your Parking Strategy

      Curb management relies on a successful parking plan. Here's how your community can start building one.
      by: Chrissy Mancini Nichols, John Dorsett, AICP       July 29, 2021
      Curb management relies on a successful parking plan. Here's everything you need to know to squeeze the most efficiency ― and revenue ― out of every space.
    • Data Centers Evolved: A Primer for Planners

      From zoning to permitting and everything in between, here's what you need to know to set your community up for success for the next generation of digital infrastructure.
      by: Jacques Fluet       July 22, 2021
      As our lives and cities become more connected, a combination of traditional and new "edge" data centers will be required. How can planners prepare for this next generation of digital infrastructure?
    • Creating Staff Reports With Pizzaz

      Zoning Practice — June 2023
      by: Bonnie Johnson, FAICP, PhD, Stephanie Kisler, AICP       June 01, 2023
      This issue of Zoning Practice brings creativity to the staff report by drawing on research about how to foster creative work within organizations. It describes and uses two different exercises based on proven creativity-training programs. These two creative thinking skills processes can assist planners in finding their way to what is most valuable for their technical and empathetic expertise.
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      ZP subscriber
    • How Planning for Birds Makes Our Communities and Economies Healthier

      A new book from biophilic design advocate and sustainability expert Tim Beatley takes a global tour of cities reinventing the status quo to support birdlife.
      by: Lindsay Nieman       July 15, 2021
      A new book from biophilic design advocate and sustainability expert Tim Beatley takes a global tour of cities reinventing the status quo to support birdlife.
    • 7 Trends Knocking at the Planning Office Door

      In today’s complex world, balancing everyday activities, near-term plans, and visioning for the future is more challenging than ever. APA Foresight has got you covered.
      by: Petra Hurtado, PhD, Alexsandra Gomez       July 08, 2021
      In today's rapidly changing world, it can be tough to stay abreast of all the challenges facing planners. This article explores seven of the most pressing trends for the profession and what they could mean for your community.
    • Wait, Who Approves Large-Scale Solar Siting?

      by: David Morley, AICP
      Determining which agency ultimately has the authority to approve the siting of a new large-scale solar facility can be complicated. About half of all states have have established explicit limits on local siting authority, offer certain developers a way to bypass that authority, or maintain a parallel siting process.
    • Electric Vehicles Are on the Rise. Is Your Community Ready?

      What local governments and planners can to do start building much-needed charging networks.
      by: Daniel Vock       July 01, 2021
      As federal and state governments push transition to EVs, planners have a key role to play in building charging networks.
    • Integrating Land Use and Water Planning for a Sustainable Future

      Planners and allied professionals should know that when you plan for one, you have to plan for both.
      by: Heather Hansman       July 01, 2021
      In communities across the U.S., water managers and planners are emerging from the silos they've traditionally operated in to find new ways to work together. The urgency of collaborating to develop resilience in the face of climate change threats is becoming increasingly clear.
    • Ethics of AI-Enhanced Planning

      by: Grant Holub-Moorman
      Uncovering JAPA: Discover how AI-enhanced planning can drive urban development while requiring planners to tackle biases, ensure transparency, safeguard privacy, and engage communities to promote ethical and equitable outcomes.
    • Dementia-Friendly Public Participation

      Accessible public engagement tools are key to ensuring the built environment meets the needs of community members with dementia and other disabilities.
      by: Samantha Biglieri, PhD, M.Pl.       June 17, 2021
      People living with dementia have the right to be included in the communities in which they live. Fortunately, there are several easy, low-cost accommodations practicing planners can make to better engage them in the planning process.
    • A Community-Created Rubric for Heat Planning

      by: Grant Holub-Moorman
      Uncovering JAPA: Explore how the 'HeatReady Neighborhoods' rubric helps planners address extreme heat with an equity-focused framework, optimizing local assets and involving residents in climate adaptation strategies.
    • In Defense of Local Zoning

      Zoning Practice — May 2023
      by: Harvey Jacobs       May 01, 2023
      This issue of Zoning Practice joins the current debate about zoning’s future by arguing in defense of local zoning. It puts the current proposals into a broader historical context of proposed zoning reform over the decades, wondering whether current reformers (like past ones) may be expecting too much from proposed changes.
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      ZP subscriber
    • A Decade After Disaster

      When a tsunami left Japan’s coastal Tōhoku region devastated, the country prioritized concrete and local control. Ten years later, planners take stock of recovery.
      by: Michael Fitzpatrick       June 01, 2021
      When a tsunami left Japan’s coastal Tōhoku region devastated, the country prioritized concrete and local control. Ten years later, planners take stock of recovery.
    • States Consider Source-of-Income Laws to Fight Housing Voucher Discrimination

      As the Biden administration looks to expand Section 8 housing assistance, renters, landlords, and local governments grapple with the program's flaws.
      by: Kristian Hernández       June 01, 2021
      As the Biden administration looks to expand Section 8 housing assistance, renters, landlords, and local governments grapple with the program's flaws.
    • Historic Preservation and the LGBTQ Community

      Understanding the link between same-sex households and historic districts can help planners manage gentrification and protect queer spaces.
      by: Kelly Kinahan, AICP, Matthew Ruther       May 27, 2021
      The connection between the LGBTQ community and historic districts, and its interplay with community change, has implications for planning practice.
    • ChatGPT: Implications for Planning

      PAS QuickNotes 101
      by: Claire Daniel       April 12, 2023
      This edition of PAS QuickNotes provides a primer on ChatGPT and explores the potential implications of this and similar emerging artificial intelligence products on planning practice.
      Nonmember price
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • Unleashing the Potential of ChatGPT in Planning Practice

      ChatGPT is taking the world by storm. How can you use this tool effectively and responsibly? Experience generative AI’s potential for planning practice and hear how one U.S. city is already exploring its use.
      Chicago, Illinois
      • Thomas Sanchez, AICP
      • Lian Plass, AICP
      • Santiago Garces
      • Ann Dillemuth, AICP
      CM | 1.50
    • How Adaptive Reuse Can Help Solve the Housing Crisis

      Zoning reform and flexible buildings codes can transform vacant buildings into affordable housing.
      by: Tatiana Walk-Morris       May 01, 2021
      Vacant warehouses and offices offer new opportunities for affordable housing. But to help make it happen, planners and policy makers need to remove these regulatory obstacles.
    • The Connection Between Unpermitted ADUs in San José and the Need for Zoning Reform

      by: Grant Holub-Moorman
      Uncovering JAPA: Discover how policymakers are using computer vision to identify unpermitted ADUs in San José — shedding light on informal housing and the barriers to legal construction.
    • 2025 Trend Report for Planners

      by: Petra Hurtado, PhD, Ievgeniia Dulko, Joseph DeAngelis, AICP, Senna Catenacci, Sagar Shah, PhD,       January 29, 2025
      The 2025 Trend Report features a list of over 100 existing, emerging, and potential future trends that the APA Foresight team and our Trend Scouting Foresight Community identified as relevant to planning.
    • Smart City Digital Twins Are a New Tool for Scenario Planning

      Digitalization and virtual simulation of entire cities can help planners experiment with solutions to meet complex problems.
      by: Petra Hurtado, PhD, Alexsandra Gomez       April 01, 2021
      Many plans and policies would benefit from undergoing a test stage before implementation. Up until now, the options to do so have been fairly limited. Smart city digital twins promise to change that by allowing planners to explore solutions in a controlled environment that mimics the real city.
    • Planning for On-Street EV Charging Infrastructure

      PAS Memo 115
      by: Adam Lubinsky, AICP       March 01, 2023
      This PAS Memo article offers guidance in creating equitable and inclusive access to electric vehicle ownership and usage through the provision of on-street, publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • Nontraditional Housing Types Can Help Solve U.S. Homelessness Crisis

      We have tried traditional fixes. It’s time to think outside the regulatory box and move away from traditional stick housing for people who are unhoused.
      by: Wendie Kellington       March 11, 2021
      Planners are uniquely suited to help start conversations and educate elected officials about nontraditional housing options, and to lay the regulatory groundwork to make modern-day Hoovervilles truly a thing of the past.
    • 6 Ways to Help Bridge the Racial Wealth Gap

      Planners can and should play a pivotal role in advancing equitable economic outcomes.
      by: Karen Kazmierczak       March 01, 2021
      Planners might not always have the authority to redirect funding to historically neglected communities, but they can still play a pivotal role in advancing more equitable outcomes. Here are six ways to get started.
    • Greenlighting Cannabis — What Every Planning Department Needs to Know

      Momentum for cannabis legalization is growing nationwide. For communities in states that might be next, the best time to start preparing is now.
      by: Daniel Vock       February 11, 2021
      Communities everywhere should be thinking about and planning for the eventuality of legalized recreational cannabis. Fortunately, they can look to local jurisdictions in states that have gone before them for lessons on what works — and what doesn’t.
    • It’s Not Personal: Self-Care Tips to Avoid Burnout, Conflict, and Contentious Community Meetings

      Planners are often required to handle highly emotional situations and face public criticism, which can cause a great deal of stress and lead to burnout. Self-care is therefore vital to a successful and fulfilling career in planning, yet it is not typically part of our professional education and training.
      Chicago, Illinois
      • Heather Seyfarth, AICP
      • Bobbie Albrecht
      CM | 1
    • Practice Gentle Density

      Zoning Practice — February 2023
      by: Jacqueline Berg, AICP, John Houseal, FAICP       February 01, 2023
      This issue of Zoning Practice explores zoning strategies that balance the concerns of residents and the demands of the housing market by accommodating gentle density increases in a context-sensitive manner. From historic downtown neighborhoods to modern residential subdivisions, the tools presented can be used by planners throughout the country to implement housing policy through regulation.
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    • Commercial Corridor Redevelopment Strategies

      PAS Report 598
      by: Luis Nunez       February 01, 2021
      All commercial corridors have the potential to be vibrant, compelling, and sustainable assets to communities. But planners can face multiple challenges to making this idea a reality, especially for declining auto-oriented, retail-focused strips. This PAS Report provides planners with a comprehensive suite of market-based strategies to improve their communities’ commercial corridors.
      Nonmember price
      APA member & PAS subscriber
    • Planning for the Needs of an Aging Population

      Questions and answers about what communities should know about shifting demographics.
      by: Meghan Stromberg       February 01, 2021
      Our population is aging. How can planners prepare?
    • 3 Zoning Changes That Make Residential Neighborhoods More Affordable

      Zoning reform is one of our greatest weapons against rising housing costs. Here's how we can wield it.
      by: Robert Liberty       February 01, 2021
      After 100-plus years of prioritizing single-family zoning, cities and states are welcoming diverse housing types back to the neighborhood.
    • High Growth Utah Communities Push for Federal Housing Support

      by: Brenna Donegan
      APA Utah President Tippe Morlan, AICP, sits down to talk about how high growth communities in Utah are tackling the housing crisis through zoning reform.
    • Eliminating Racial Segregation Is Good Economic Policy

      Income disparities and racial segregation are deeply intertwined, burdening both people of color and the U.S. economy. Here's how we can reverse that trend.
      by: Tatiana Walk-Morris       January 01, 2021
      More than half a century after the Fair Housing Act outlawed policies like redlining, racial segregation continues to plague the U.S.
    • Climate Migrants Are on the Move

      Which cities need to plan for population booms?
      by: Daniel Vock       January 01, 2021
      Geography alone won’t turn communities into climate change migrant receiver cities. Communities must think about their own sustainability and prepare their existing residents for changes to come.
    • Increased Remote Work Could Mean Big Changes for Cities

      The pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of work. How can cities faced with excess commercial office space adapt?
      by: Brian Barth       January 01, 2021
      The COVID-19 crisis has merely accelerated a transformation of work life that has been decades in the making.
    • 8 Steps to an Effective Code Transition

      Zoning Practice — January 2023
      by: Derrick Rhys Wilson       January 01, 2023
      This issue of Zoning Practice summarizes when and why it may be necessary for a city, town, or county to replace an existing development code. It provides an overview of the code-transition process, offering a brief instructional guide on how to organize and complete each step.
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    • Accelerating Zoning Reform: A Conversation

      Boosting the supply, availability, and diversity of housing options is essential to expanding opportunity and affordability for all. Creating livable and age-friendly communities requires reforms that allow for new housing options. APA, AARP, and the National League of Cities have made housing opportunity and zoning reform a key priority.
      • Victoria Woodards
      • Angela Brooks, FAICP
      • Rodney Harrell
      CM | 0.75
    • Building Sustainable Affordable Housing At All Income Levels

      Learn why our cities and regions must build eco-socially sustainable, “green” housing that is affordable at all income levels, what this looks like, and how to get it built through community-based strategies for designing, approving, and funding in diverse localities
      • Phillip Kash
      • David Woods, FAICP
      • Dana Bourland, AICP
      CM | 1
      SR | 1
    • Building the National Zoning Atlas

      If zoning is a language, then every zoning ordinance is its own dialect. By mapping standardized zoning data across thousands of jurisdictions, the National Zoning Atlas provides legibility to those seeking to understand zoning trends that transcend jurisdictional boundaries.
      • Sara Bronin
      • John Infranca
      • Max Latona
      • Yoshi Bird
      CM | 1
      L | 1
    • How a Digital Twin Empowered Civic Inclusion

      Learn how the planning department at the Borough of State College, PA has deployed a digital twin to analyze the impacts of new developments, specifically denser residential development to meet their modern housing needs.
      • Keith Cooke
      • Ed LeClear, AICP
      • Gregory Garthe, AICP
      • Sydney Rich
      CM | 0.75
    • GeoDesign Tools Are Changing the Community Planning Process

      Learn how to use of the latest cutting-edge web-based GIS tools and how a GeoDesign driven approach is changing the Community Planning Process.
      • Robert Kain
      • Christine Ma
      • Dan Meehan
      CM | 0.75
    • Storytelling, Not Yelling: Toward More Inclusive Public Engagement

      Community engagement processes must adapt to the age of increased polarization, digitalization, and inequity. This case study shares how successful storytelling approaches find alignments and shared values of the public while helping to establish public trust in planning processes.
      • Kohl Malo, AICP
      • Katharine Ange
      • Asa Eslocker
      CM | 0.75
    • TOD: A Way to Transform Your Community

      Transit-oriented development (TOD) capitalizes on public transit access by transforming underutilized spaces into walkable and sustainable communities, with a mix of land uses, a vibrant public realm, opportunities to address affordability and equity, and excellent connectivity to amenities and neighborhoods.
      • Pattie Guttenplan, AICP
      • Marley Bice, AICP
      • Charles Guttenplan, AICP
      • Jennifer Dougherty, AICP
      CM | 1
    • Making Way for Missing Middle: Tulsa's Neighborhood Overlay

      Tulsa adopted its Neighborhood Infill Overlay in December 2021, after years of planning and community engagement in downtown-adjacent neighborhoods. The overlay removes barriers for new missing middle housing and brings historic missing middle building types into compliance with zoning.
      • Nathan Foster
      • Travis Hulse, AICP
      • Beatriz Baeza-Denis
      • Daniel Jeffries, AICP
      CM | 1
    • Yes, Transit Can Support Affordable Housing

      Affordable housing is a challenge facing many cities across the country with solutions focusing on increasing supply. The Oregon Department of Transportation took a different approach and wanted to see how transit could increase overall affordability across the state.
      • Brian Waterman, AICP
      • Sumi Malik
      • Rebecca Dann Hewitt, AICP
      CM | 1
    • Engaging Faith-Based Organizations to Secure Affordable Housing

      Georgia Tech's urban design studio partners with 2 Presbyterian churches, a Baptist Church, and a Synagogue to conduct deep-dive explorations into opportunities, challenges, and realities that communities of faith face when they get involved in the City’s affordable housing scene.
      • Kortney Cena
      • Miriam Dominguez
      • Colin Delargy
      • Clifton McFarlane
      • Jullanar Waheed
      CM | 1
    • Hybrid Engagement - New Normal

      To avoid project shut-down, these planners learned to “surf” the waves of COVID-19 conditions, and pivot between in-person and online engagement. This case study highlights lessons learned and the “new normal” of crisis-ready outreach strategies.
      • Georgia Sheridan, AICP
      • Isaiah Ford
      • Michael Iswalt, AICP
      CM | 1
    • Three Ways a Lack of Workforce Housing Impacts Communities

      by: Zoe Kaplan
      The consequences for insufficient workforce housing are severe. Learn how planning advocates are fighting to secure federal support to improve local economies.
    • Rogers, Arkansas, Planners Take On Regulatory Reform

      by: Brenna Donegan
      APA Public Affairs Program Manager Brenna Donegan spoke to planning advocate John McCurdy about how his city of Rogers, Arkansas is addressing housing challenges, and why other small to mid-size communities in Northwest Arkansas need federal investment and support to make smart zoning reforms happen.
    • Coliving: An Old Idea Is New Again

      Zoning Practice — November 2022
      by: Kelly Cousino, AICP
      This issue of Zoning Practice defines and describes coliving and its benefits, distinguishes coliving from other similar land uses, and identifies barriers to the production of purpose-built coliving communities. It then provides recommendations for changes to local zoning codes to accommodate and encourage coliving.
      List price
      ZP subscriber

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