2024 APA Consolidated Leadership Elections

The 2024 election cycle has concluded. Component results will be announced at the component level.

Information on APA Board and AICP Commission elections and 2025 Chapter, Division, and SRC elections will be shared in the Spring of 2025.

In 2025, APA members will participate in consolidated elections for open seats on the APA Board of Directors, the AICP Commission, and multiple leadership positions at the chapter division, and student level.

Being elected to a leadership role isn't just a great way to serve APA and the planning profession, it's also an invaluable opportunity to expand your professional network, gain new skills that can be applied at work and in your personal life, and achieve recognition from current and potential employers.

Election Resources

APA Election Timeline


Chapter, Division, and Student Elections

Every year, APA members run for elected Leadership positions within three component groups: Chapters, Divisions, and the Student Representatives Council. We are pleased to announce the 2024 election schedule for this year's component elections (Chapters, Divisions, SRC).