Join as a Commissioner

APA: Your Community-Building Partner

All planning public officials — whether newly seated or well seasoned — need to master planning basics and learn about innovative practices. Take advantage of an experienced and helpful partner in planning practice as you work to create vital, sustainable communities.

APA is an independent, nonprofit organization championing public engagement, promoting high ethical standards, conducting and publishing research, and advocating for good planning in the social, economic, and physical aspects of communities around the world. We connect nearly 40,000 individuals from all locations and disciplines — planning commissioners, zoning board members, public officials, professional planners, engaged citizens, students, scholars, and individuals who work in allied professions — who share common interests.

Why Belong to APA?

  • Use the best resources. APA publishes most of the materials used to educate planning commissions, zoning boards, and boards of adjustment. In addition to Planning magazine, members have unlimited web access to current and archived publications of the Planning Advisory Service, APA's Research KnowledgeBase, and Interact — your best sources for news on contemporary planning practices.
  • Build essential skills. APA publications, online programming, national and chapter conferences, and targeted training practices teach core lessons that help commissioners create consensus on controversial issues, decide on issues fairly, and sidestep legal pitfalls.
  • Connect with chapters and divisions. Join one or more of APA's 24 divisions and one of 48 chapters at a discounted rate. Learn how other commissions solved the problems yours is facing, and share your good ideas and effective solutions with colleagues in other cities and towns.

APA Member Criteria and Dues

Planning board membership includes all the benefits of APA — and more — at a cost far below what practicing planners pay. Members belong to a local chapter and benefit from opportunities to share experiences with other commissioners and planners at national and chapter meetings, conferences, and training events.

Note: Eligible Planning Board Members may not earn their living in planning or be AICP certified.

Only new agencies should use the application form below. For existing (current or lapsed) group memberships, please email to renew or update your existing roster.

Online Group Planning Board Application

Group Planning Board Membership Dues

Not a Planning Board Member Or Public Official?

APA membership is open to everyone who is committed to applying the benefits of planning to create communities of lasting value.

  • Learn more if you're a professional planner
  • Learn more if you're an educator
  • Learn more if you live outside the United States
  • Learn more if you're a full-time student
  • Learn more if you work in an affiliated profession, or you are an interested nonplanner

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